How competitive is VT Architecture / chances?

I’ve looked around for a while and haven’t been able to find any recent statistics about the acceptance rate for Virginia Tech’s architecture/CAUS program. I was wondering if anyone could supply some insight?

Additionally, I was wondering how I would stack up to other applicants. I am a white male Wisconsin resident with a 3.824 cumulative unweighted GPA with a 33 ACT score. I have or will be taking a total of 8 AP classes including AP Physics and AP Calc AB. I am in NHS, 3 sports, three music extracurriculars, and taken 4 years of German, one of them AP. I have also taken a CAD drafting course. Just wondering how I would fare against others applying for the 2021/2022 school year as a freshman?

It is a very competitive program. It is hard to tell from just general stats of GPA and your ACT puts you in range. If you are in the top 10% of your high school class I would say that is a good indicator of better then normal chance. Your school guidance office will probably know better looking at comparable to VT (not sure how many VT students have come from your high school that far away).

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Did you get in? I’m from WI too…going into Architecture :slight_smile:

Yep, I did! Not sure if I will enroll quite yet, though. Are you a junior?

Nope, senior :slight_smile: What about you?

I just realized how stupid that sounded lol anywayyyy I got into VT too for architecture. What are the other schools you are thinking of?

Minnesota is my more affordable option, otherwise, UVA is the other one I’ve been considering. My dilemma now I guess is VT vs UVA, haven’t gained much insight in that regard and the degrees are different.

oooh I get that…minnesota was a option for me too but I think I’m going to end up at tech. What kind of degree is UVA?

UVA is 4+2, which is appealing to me because of the flexibility within the major, unlike the 5-year VT offers. But I toured the Arch hall at VT and it was really nice. Didn’t get to at UVA, unfortunately.