"How can you be socially conservative, and economically liberal? That's like the worst of both parties right there. It's NeoConservatism. I mean I respect Democrats for their stances on voicing the social concerns and rights of all people, and I respect Republicans for preventing us from overspending--but you have the opposite of both of these views?"
<p>I refer to myself as economically liberal because I believe in heavy government intervention to foster economic progess. So therefore I oppose the conservative view of limited government, perhaps an economic moderate would be a better label. I am so used to a binary conception of political views that I normally equate not conservative to liberal and I don't think of liberal economic policies as that of the extreme socialist.</p>
"Actually, you are showing that you would fail logic 101. Your entire argument rests on the faulty assumption that not a single soldier in the crusades could read or comprehend the bible. This is statistical ignorance, and just makes no sense. Lets try to keep broad generalizations out of our arguments. I also enjoyed how you tried to avoid the Reconquista. Your generalization again fails to explain the actions of christians such as Torquemada, who definitely understood the bible, and definitely killed and tortured on its behalf"
<p>No it means you don't understand history. Even if a single solider could read the Catholic church had the means of getting into Heaven because they regulated who could recieve last rites and the sacrements that Church teaching said was neccessary to enter into Heaven. So even if thousands of soliders could read they would not challenge the pope himself.
If you ever read or actually study the politics of the Church and the Reconquista you would know that it was not based on Biblical principles but on principles of power and economic conquest that was fueld by ignorance of the actual words of The Bible and manipulation by Church officials like Torquemada.</p>
<p>I will put it in a way that you will probably agree with. George Bush instituted policies that resulted in the deaths of thousands of Iraqis does that mean that the US government is corrupt? Or maybe that the constitution is corrupt? He used as a JUSTIFICATION WMDs but does that mean that the WMDs existed? Nope. Likewise the clergy that called for torturing and war used The Bible as a justification despite the fact that The Bible does not call for these actions and people consented to thier will, just as the US army consented to the President's will. </p>
"So if someone threatens you, you should kill them? Great point, moral christian. Again, you make generalizations in an attempt to support your shaky arguments. You assume that every single non-israelite (sorry for simplifying and using christian in my last post, I assumed that you would understand what I meant-I was wrong) was waging war on the israelite's monotheistic religion, and that the israelites were acting out of self-defense by killing. If you studied the bible you will know that this is simply untrue. Israelites attacked and pillaged other tribes in the name of God, without being first attacked, on many occasions. The atheist point you mentioned is just sad, and because it has already rebuked by others, i'll just leave it at that."
<p>Your posts are showing a complete lack of knowledge of history and of logic. Yes if someone threatens your country you kill them aka WW2. If you knew the Hebrew of the Torah you would also know that killing is a distinct word from war. The Israelite country waged war against others for resources, just like modern day countries do. The dichotomy is that while we used national borders as distinctive aspects the Israelites used religion as it was the only thing that bonded them, and therefore other religions were literally anemic to the identity of thier state. </p>
" I will recommend then that in the future you do not pass judgment on others or childishly belittle their education during a scholarly debate. You have no idea how much I have read the bible and subsequent analysis, so I hope you will not to continue to pretend that you wander some state of higher enlightenment. Acting like you are too good to debate with me is just so hypocritical that it demeans the very teachings you are attempting to defend."
<p>There is no acting involved. In the course of this debate you have shown that you have very little knowledge of history including making errors like this:</p>
"And then let me say that Dbate has this complete inability to see a response when it screams at him in the face. In response to your contention that religion owns "marriage" because it's a religious idea, I came up with the hypothetical suggestion to ban Sundays for non-Christians by the same principle. Anyone can see how ridiculous that this line of argument of "owning" "marriage" was in the first place."
<p>Showing that you don't know that Sunday has nothing to with Christianity and is even pagan in nature.</p>
<p>I asked you to show that gay couples are equal to straight couples in a biological way and so far you have failed to do so, I eagerly await your response. </p>
"they cannot reproduce? Nowhere in the law does it state they have to. IF you're so pumped up about reproducing, why aren't you calling for mandatory divorce for people who don't have kids before the wife reaches the unsafe age for reproducing?"
<p>You completely misunderstand what I am talking about. Marriage has two distinct aspects legal and religious, it is would be unconsitutional to bar same sex individuals from obtaining the same legal rights as straight couples which is why civil unions are the natural mechanism. But in the religious aspect a gay couple can never be married and that is the larger context, that I am adresses when stating that they can not reproduce.
I hold the same opinion as Hillary Clinton that gay couples should have the same legal rights as straight couples but I believe the nomer should exclusively be civil unions. Reproduction and intercourse are important in the religious recongintion of marriage not the legal respect so the arguement about the law does not matter.</p>