How did I get waitlisted at Purdue?

International students are hard to predict, particularly there are a lot of Indian students applying to Purdue. Also, they do not look at your SAT2 scores, so they only consider your SAT 2250.

@T26E4 Are you sure Purdue does not read LOR? They accept 2 on CommonApp. It is UIUC that does not want any LOR.

My friend had been interested in taking a gap year for global travel and volunteering but hadn’t had the nerve to seriously consider it until there was no college option on the table. One of the two waitlist schools was my friend’s first choice, and the school ended up making a full offer for fall of 2015 once the GC called and mentioned the gap year plan, so my friend is starting there in the fall after an unbelievably incredible year of adventure! Not for everyone, of course, but it was the perfect outcome in this case. :slight_smile:

Thank you. I had heard that about Chicago. I am the opposite, I really want to do that but am concerned that maybe not getting in where I want may hamper my piece of mind during the year.

When did you apply to Purdue? Was it before or after November?

If you’re serious about Purdue, email admissions right away. Tell them thank you for putting you on the waitlist, and that you definitely want to stay on the waitlist. Let them know that you are very interested in attending should you get off the list. If there’s anything else you can update them with (recent grades, awards, etc), do that, as well.

@Billcsho Come to think about it, I do recall my DD having to answer some short questions. But don’t recall having to send any LORs. The LORs would be considered during any later scholarship eval, I recall their saying at an info session.

Recommendations are done by the school and GC who consolidates what your teacher recommender says

What was your GPA?

@T26E4‌ But the LORs were submitted on CA with EA, and there is no separated application for merit scholarship,

The admit rates to engineering majors for schools that admit by major or in to an engineering college and are known for engineering are generally far lower than their overall admit rates.

For internationals, the admit rate is usually even lower still.

For instance, at UIUC last year, close to 2/3rds of applicants overall were admitted, but only a little over 1/3rd of international applicants were admitted.

@GB1904‌ December end

@gearmom‌ Ranked 2/428

Very impressive. Maybe you should have someone look over your file to make sure nothing was missing or wrong. Also do you have a common name? Is there another person in your school or area who has the same one? That may have happened to a friend with one of our local colleges. His name is somewhtat common and he got a weird rejection meanwhile he got into the state flagship which was a target or low reach for him

I had a 2280 and a really high GPA and I was rejected. I am not appealing, since I am pretty angry at Purdue and I dont have an interest of going there anytime now!

That’s strange, purdue should totally be a safety with these stats.

@meriks, selectivity may vary a ton by major/school at those universities that admit by major/school.

That really sucks.

I just read a thread on here about an international student who lied on their application and was accepted to Purdue, along with several other schools.

@noemii‌ Because of people like them, applicants like us have to suffer. Thats almost equivalent of theft.

I know when I was applying to Purdue 5 years ago, they didn’t consider LORs. At least engineering didn’t because (from admissions) they all say how wonderful the student is since you wouldn’t have someone who thinks you suck write a letter and they have thousands of applications to get through.

Anyways, that really sucks about Purdue. Either try for a less competitive major if they gave you that option or hope to get off the wait list.

Wow, I didn’t even know you could get wait listed at PU. Because I’m applying there with lower stats (3.7 GPA, 1900 SAT, decent ECs and essay) and still haven’t heard back.
I’m kinda in the same boat as you. I’m also an international applicant (Indian), though I moved to the States in 9th grade. I applied to the College of Purdue (Engineering) on December 18th as my no. 1 school. I’ve been regularly checking the status portal but it has been “In committee review” for almost 2 months now. Some of my classmates who applied to PU, even the ones who applied after me, heard back from them early February while others heard back later that month.
I’m kinda nervous because I didn’t apply to a ton of schools…I got accepted to UMass Amherst as my safey, but was rejected by Georgia Tech, Northeastern, Carnegie Mellon and waitlisted by UVA and VA Tech.
UMass Amherst is a good school too but Purdue is on a different level.

I just them last night to ask if everything was in order…Let’s see what happens.