How Did People React to Your Acceptances?

<p>How were people's reactions to hearing you were accepted into your favorite school? </p>

<p>Worst: "You probably got in because the school wanted more diversity."
Best: Why the f*** are you so surprised? I could have told you that months ago.</p>

<p>I was unexpectedly admitted a tough schools and reactions were a mix of awesome and frustrating. Still, it doesn't matter what people think when you're excited!</p>

<p>^ same, when ppl are bitter because they didnt get in, they blame it on diversity.</p>

<p>I'm convinced that some think the ivies are passing out free acceptance letters to anyone black, lol. I'll admit that there are people that I know people who had better test scores and were rejected but a lot of these same people weren't involved in anything.</p>

<p>Yeah, I think some think that the ivies are passing out free acceptances to anyone Black, lol... I think the main reason that people put so much weight to urm status is because there are some that don't have test scores and Gpas that are as good as others. Still, if you're in numerous clubs and you're "passionate" about something, it balances out.</p>

<p>The worst part is when someone who is not as qualified as you are is bitter. There is this guy who is ranked number 5 in our class who also applied to Yale. He only EC to my knowledge was baseball and he was rejected. Well I am 13 and got accepted but my ECs are extensive and carried out for years with several awards on state and regional level. So apparently he was really "****ed" that I got in, but I am like whatever.</p>

<p>People were pretty suprised... <em>gasp</em> That's such a good school! I'm actually not really suprised that THEY were suprised. In the honors community at my high school, there is one guy who basically gets all the attention for being intelligent- and he really is (2400, acceptance to Harvard, etc.)- and then maybe two others who get some but not nearly as much recognition (ironically, the val and sal.) So I think that it was pretty much inconceivable to them that anyone but those three would want to go somewhere other than UT/A&M/other school safely within Texas borders, maybe Rice if you're particularly ambitious. I have not received any "diversity" comments to my face, although there were a few people who made a face when we announced the schools we were matriculating to in class the other day. Screw you, "haters." Have fun at State school!</p>

<p>Actually, let me amend that. Our state school is pretty good- top 50, actually, maybe 70+% of kids were in the top ten percent at their high schools. I'm just wondering why I have to be held responsible for their decision not to think outside of the "Longhorn" box. It's one thing if you did apply to a top school and got rejected. Go ahead, be bitter. But if you didn't even <em>try</em>...</p>

<p>Please don't let the nastiness and pettiness of a few take away from your joy. You were accepted because you are qualified, because of your character, and you bring something to the class that the university wants. Congratulations!</p>

<p>Mine were actually quite entertaining. Some people pretended to bow down to me when they heard about my acceptances lol. They been calling me genius, Ms. Yale etc. "One guy was all, we're happy for you but you must know we all actually hate you." I know what he meant though and it wasn't like it sounded lol.</p>

<p>All in all, it's been good responses and everyone wanted to know where I finally decided to go.</p>

<p>I got a bunch of "What/Where is that" and "Nice to see someone in Crowley actually going somewhere" (even though some were already in college and others only applied to schools in the state)
But I love the "let me touch you! I've never known of anyone going there!"</p>

<p>dalitso09- I got the same reactions! Lol, People didn't know where Bryn Mawr was and what-not, I didn't expect to get into Brown (the only ivy I applied to..), so it was okay when I got rejected :(, but yea people at my school were surprised that "black people" actually go to was pretty sickening. Congrats to you guys!! They would think you guys were Gods & Goddesses. :)</p>

<p>all tha fake people wanna come outta nowhere.... you know how they are.
the people who never believed that i was on their level...
anyway they've been appearing to be nice (a lot a congratss and "so where are you goings") but deep down i know they are contemptous. i know they expected less of me. haters lol</p>

<p>haha, I know right..Haters; can't live w/ them but can't live without them :)

<p>Personally, I CAN live without them. Why do you think I'm going across the country? ;-P</p>

<p>Excited is the best way to put it.</p>

<p>Congrats to you guys! I hate when people say, “It’s b/c you’re black.” That’s the quickest excuse they can bring up. For the most part, the people who are down-to-earth will congratulate where credit is due. Haters are good though; they keep people motivated and let them know they’re on the right path. You should be worried when people AREN’T hating. :)</p>

<p>^I completely agree. I had the same experiences with the whole “it’s b/c you’re black”–both to my face and behind my back. Whatever…I’m over all that speculation as to how or why someone got in/didn’t get in. We’re all obviously qualified, or else we wouldn’t have been accepted! Congrats to everyone and let people think or say what they want.</p>

<p>I think the funniest part about the whole “It’s b/c you’re black” thing is they only say it if you’re obviously black. There was a senior in my Spanish class, and I just assumed she was Mexican or something. She just looked like a tan white person, but she was black. Granted, she didn’t LOOK black, but she was. She got accepted to Swarthmore, and no one said not a word. Let it be me though. I can see it already: “There’s affirmative action kicking in” or “I wish I was black.”</p>

<p>If people were to say “it’s because you’re black” to me (or insinuate it), I’d say either,</p>

<p>“No, it’s because I worked my a** off.”</p>


<p>“No, it’s because [blank] was looking to fill their class with people who don’t jump to conclusions.”</p>

<p>^^^ I agree. I catch an attitude quick w/ people like this. “It’s b/c you’re a minority.”</p>

<p>It’s not my fault you weren’t born black; kick rocks, I’m getting my 40 acres and my mule d@mnit.</p>