How did William Hung get into UCB?

<p>Is William Hung still at UCB? How important was William Hung in making UCB more prestigious/popular? And how did he get into UCB because in his free time, Hung is a fan of the anime Pok</p>

<p>It is not easy to get into UCB if you live in California, though it is easier than if you live out of state. I don't know anything about William Hung, but it's very possible he was a good student in addition to liking Pokemon. My brother is obsessed with Magic the Gathering and is taking 3 AP classes in his sophomore year, doing dang well so far too.</p>

<p>But I heard that William Hung is in his junior year at UCB? That would make him at least 20 yrs old. Why would he still like pokemon?</p>

<p>Contrary to what's been implied, I don't think his being the best Hung had anything to do with it.</p>

<p>i'ma joining the Hung fan club if i go to berkely</p>

<p>Does he have a university club at UCB? I read somewhere he is still attending? Is he getting his masters or phd?</p>

<p>LMAO! mackinaw....</p>

<p>i think its cuz hes smart............. i doubt ucb had an audition for him to see him dance n sing : P</p>