How did you choose your username?

<p>Let's hear it :)</p>

<p>Mine is a play on words from that Chase commercial a little while back. Not sure if anyone remembers.</p>

<p>Funny story, actually. My friend wanted to read a post from someone who goes to our school, but couldn’t search for their username without an account. I made one with a cheesy username with the intention of not using it ever again. Well, I guess I ended up getting addicted to CC!</p>

<p>OP, I remember because it always plays in my head when I read your name. </p>

<p>I picked mine because my friend and I had been having a genetics discussion. She couldn’t quite place the “ethnicity” of my eyes. She said they were like gypsy eyes because they had the wide Indian shape, but are blue like Europeans. Long story short, I am Romani gypsy and the side of the family where I get my eyes from is the gypsy side. So my nickname became gypsy eyes. </p>
