<p>How did you feel after your acceptance from a college? Ran around screaming? Called everyone you know? </p>
<p>Also rejections? Depressed? Put your fist through a wall?</p>
<p>Just wondering everyone's reactions. :D</p>
<p>How did you feel after your acceptance from a college? Ran around screaming? Called everyone you know? </p>
<p>Also rejections? Depressed? Put your fist through a wall?</p>
<p>Just wondering everyone's reactions. :D</p>
<p>My first acceptance was met with a -<em>- face. And most of the others were greeted with that face too. However,the -</em>- face runs in my family, so it’s not really my fault I didn’t get ridiculously excited.</p>
<p>For Columbia and University of Chicago, however, I was thrilled. And then I realized I could afford neither.</p>
<p>Back to the -_- face.</p>
<p>Acceptances, it depended on the school. When I got into my most amazing one, I quietly freaked, since my father was in the room on the phone and I didn’t want him to have a heart attack at a seemingly random ebullience. I cried a little :).
When I got my other most amazing one, I was at school, so I couldn’t freak. I don’t like talking about my acceptances, because I sort of only applied to nice schools, so it always sounds like I’m bragging. (Literally everyone ended up knowing about this one anyway, since my physics teacher asked me if I had gotten in during class one day, right in front of everyone. And I missed ballet when I went for interview, so all of them just had to know about it.) So I just quietly told one of my closest friends. I wrote down a little bit in English about how excited I was. I called myself “the luckiest girl in the world.” So I was pretty happy.</p>
<p>Rejections, I dunno. I remember getting rejected from TASP. I found out over the phone, and I just wanted to know why. What was wrong with my essays? Was I superficial? Was I a bad writer? Had I not fully grasped the concepts? I felt less intelligent.</p>
<p>The first few acceptances were -_- for me as they were all schools that I was surely going to get into (state flagships and the like). The rejections weren’t that bad…until I got a bazillion of them in a row - then I started to become depressed and felt inadequate haha.</p>
<p>^Yeah, my first few letters were safeties so I felt the same “Meh” lol. Last two letters were rejections by 2/5 primary choices so I can relate to that.</p>
<p>The first acceptance I got I just smiled a lot and ate a cookie (lol). The rest were just like, “Oh. Well good then.” Rejections were greeted by further cookie-eating…lol.</p>
<p>Then again I didn’t get into any major surprise schools, and I was expecting the rejections. To each his own, I guess.</p>
<p>The first acceptance was kinda like -<em>- and then I saw the financial aid and became slightly more :] But ultimately, I don’t really care for UCLA, so it went back to -</em>-. Then I felt a little guilty because I was so nonchalant about getting into a school that other people I know would have loved to attend (but I don’t know how to do a guilty emoticon haha). </p>
<p>News of my most notable acceptance came via a phone call from my mom. I jumped up and down while shouting in a crowded street haha. My friends were happy for me, but also probably a little embarassed. :]</p>
<p>Very happy for about 5 minutes…then I realized I am still in HS and have work to do. LOL :)</p>
<p>^Psh, who still does work? My brain shut down after January. Just roll with the punches (or 50s, in my case).</p>
<p><em>`.'</em> =[[[</p>
<p>lol my first acceptance was at a safety, so I was also like -<em>- Then my next acceptance was at one of two of my top choices, so I was smiling a lot and called my two best friends…but I only freaked out for about 10 minutes. The next one I was like -</em>- until I found out they only accepted 8-9 people out of 300, then I became really excited (this was for a music conservatory) Then the rejection letter from another school came, but I already knew I was rejected on the same day I auditioned (didn’t get a callback) so I wasn’t surprised. However, the rejection letter wasn’t pleasant like Stanford’s lol. </p>
<p>Still waiting for the other of my two top choices! April 1st…</p>
<p>My very first acceptance was not my top choice (plus, it’s a safety), though I was excited since I saw it as a good sign, I don’t feel anything that much. I did tell everybody though since I was the first in my class to get acceptance letter (or any decision letters). </p>
<p>My second acceptance was my second choice. I was like OoO and ><em>< then went to -</em>- after realizing that I didn’t get any scholarships/FA (COA is 50,000+).</p>
<p>My third and forth came about the same time. Both are good news and the forth one is my ED school. I feel NOTHING at all about the third acceptance (that was my thrid choice) since I kinda knew I would be accepted. My forth acceptance was a relief 'coz it’s the only school that give me FA. Even though I still wait for my fifth college, I knew I would end up going this college.</p>
<p>The fifth college was actually my first choice but I decided to ED another school in order to increase my chance of getting in. The fifth was a rejection. It did depress me a little but I feel more of relieve coz if I got into this college, I would cry, blaming myself for EDing another college.</p>
<p>Then I feel regret not applying top/reach colleges…</p>
<p>My first acceptance was from Iowa which was my dead last safety. I was expecting it so it was very meh. My next 3 were safeties I really liked, so I was a bit more excited. </p>
<p>Oxy sent me the MVP visit invite first, which is kind of like a likely letter. That was a lot of confusion, anxiety, and joy. BU’s was the most climactic since it was online and the server was cracked out. I screamed when my acceptance finally loaded.</p>
<p>Before I found out about each school, I popped on some loud music, relaxed, and enjoyed the music more than anything else. Then I checked. Worked well for me. Most recent song was Feelin Good (the Muse Version)</p>
<p>First three were safeties, so I was happy/relieved to know I would be going to college. (It’s nice to know you’re going somewhere.) For two of those, I just kind of forgot about them because I couldn’t imagine myself going there, but for the other one I got pretty excited because it seemed like a nice school. </p>
<p>Then a long wait before hearing back from my top schools. First was a waitlist, so I was really bummed because I had the best chance of getting into that school. I was depressed for a while before I got an acceptance letter in the mail later that day and found out I got into one of my top schools.
Obviously, I was super excited. Then a rejection, and well, those never feel good.</p>
<p>honestly, waitlists hurt more than rejections. they tell you that you were good enough for admission, but the competitive nature of the school refrained them from accepting you. that means, you are not as competitive as you believe. also, you are forced to play the waiting game yet again, with no closure to this period of anxiety.</p>
<p>Acceptances: momentary joyful face. then the thought “will i be able to afford it”
Rejection: When I got rejected from CMU (it was 12 midnight) so i didn’t really care much. I just went back to sleep.</p>
<p>My first school UCI, I had already gotteninto in october so it wasn’t really new news. Then UCLA I was shocked I got rejected, not becuase I REALLY wanted to go there, but becuase of my other applications. Then I was waitlisted at Tulane and I felt like I messed up. Got into UCB which I said “I got in” to my sister and she screamed. Stanford I didn’t really care, I kinda laughed and thought their rejection letter was very thoughtful. Then Reed…waitlisted. I felt so blank, a rejection meant it wasn’t supposed to happen, and i was okay with that, but a waitlist…it was like I was supposed to get in but other people were more important. Anyways I couldn’t stop thinking about that for the last few days, because I thought Reed was the PERFECT PERFECT match. Tommorows Yale and Brown and I’m actually not going to check if i got in or not. If I get in I will get a big package, if not, I will never hear from them again. Fair deal!</p>
<p>I was happy with all my acceptances. Babson was my first acceptance so I was happy. If worst came to worst, I had atleast Babson to go to but when I looked in my mailbox and saw the big Bowdoin envelope, and later opened it at home, I started crying because Bowdoin was my one of my top 2 choices and I was glad that my hard work was recognized. However, when I got rejected from my other top choice, UChicago, I was honestly like “ehh…everything happens for a reason.” Not to sound pessimistic, but I knew I wasn’t going to get in because of the 42% rise in applications and my SAT scores were on the very low end of what they would normally accept.</p>
<p>Now that I’ve heard back from all my colleges, I am VERY satisfied with the results. 5 acceptances, 2 waitlists and 1 rejection isn’t too bad if you ask me!</p>
<p>Largely? Anticlimactic. The only thing missing in my college admissions experience has been uncertainty: I knew, or thought I knew, the decisions of every school that has announced so far long before I got the email. I honestly don’t get the whole “it’s nice to know you’ll be going somewhere” thing–call me arrogant, but there was never a doubt in my mind that I’d get into UGA. My reaction was something like “oh. Nice fireworks.”</p>
<p>Similarly, I expected the deferral from Columbia, deferral -> WL from Caltech, and rejection from Stanford. I sort of expected to be disappointed, but I’m not, really. Maybe my ego’s a little bruised. XD</p>
<p>The one time I was wrong about a school was Chicago, and that was amazing. I honestly had Chicago filed away as a super-reach; I wasn’t expecting to get in at all. No screaming–I’m not very demonstrative–but I was basically walking on air for the next week.</p>