How did you react?

<p>How did you guys react when you got into your first choice (or second) UC? I know that when I got into UCSC, I was shaking with excitement in my bed (it was past midnight whenI found out). Share your moments of glory!</p>

<p>When the page was loading for UCSD's decision page, I was literally on the verge of a heart attack. When the page opened, it looked like a rejection letter because it was a picture of some library and because the first word didn't start with "Congratulations." Anyway, it turned out to be an acceptance letter and I was literally jumping around the house calling everyone on my phone book. Hahah, UCSD's been my first choice since my junior year... The feeling of getting into your first choice.. Nothing like it. :)</p>

<p>I died. Almost.</p>

<p>I was disappointed because of my rejection, so I didnt get a chance to celebrate my acceptance to my second choice. I am thoroughly glad that I got rejected by my first choice, I wasn't that obsessed with it as I thought I was. I am truly happy [on the inside] to be going to my second choice. I dont like to show my feelings much, unless I got into ucla or harvard or something.. lol</p>

<p>I didnt care, disliked cal after visiting it. Guess thats why I'm at UCR, lack of research.</p>

<p>My eyes literally bulged. I didn't want to check at midnight because I had to get enough sleep for a test the next day. So I ended up hearing lots of rejection stories from everyone at my school. When school was over, I rushed home right away. When I signed in, I turned my head away from the monitor being really scared. It took me a minute to finally open my eyes and I was really scared that my future plans were going to crumble before my eyes. But I got a Congratulations sign and I ended up yelling and screaming. I called my stepfather and told him that I was accepted!</p>

<p>I'll never forget that day. It was one of the best days in my life.</p>

<p>verve, I'm just curious: what school are you talking about?</p>

<p>I screamed and yelled out of excitement, slammed my fist on my bed a few times because I was so happy.</p>

<p>Reaction was "eh" for the other UCs until the UCB and UCLA acceptances came rolling in...then the real partying started.</p>

<p>were you applying to transfer out of ucsd? if so how come to other schools not named b or la?</p>

<p>when i checked ucsd and saw acceptance
i was like HOLY **** HOLY **** and started jumping up and down and running around my room lol</p>

<p>it was my dream school for as long as i know!</p>

<p>For me, UCSD isn't that big of a deal...seems that everyone with a 4.0 weighted (which isn't that hard to get) and decent SATs gets in these days.</p>

<p>As for my reaction, it was two years ago while I was still a HS senior. I also applied and got into Berkeley this year as a UC intercampus transfer from UCSD. So I now have two Berkeley acceptance letters, neat eh?</p>

<p>So, Chessdude, you applied 2 years ago and picked UCSD over Berkeley and then you decided you wanted to go to Berkeley and applied for an intercampus transfer? If so, why?</p>

<p>You hit it right on the nail Beatchick.</p>

<p>As a naive HS senior, I thought UCSD would be better for premed (because of supposedly easier competition), and chose UCSD over Berkeley solely for that reason.</p>

<p>But after two years here, I find the premed competition at UCSD to be quite intense, at the level of UCB/UCLA. So I figure why not just go to UCB/UCLA in the first place? Get a more prestigious degree and "feel good" attitude to boot...</p>

<p>My Chances?
3.7 W Gpa
0ver 650 Hours Of Community Service Hours (2005-present)
Sat I- 1700
President Of Interact Club
Treaseurer Of Best Buddies Club
Honor Role.....etc........
My Chances For Ucr,uci,ucsc,ucsb,ucdavis,ucsd,ucmerced..usc?

<p>this isnt really the right thread for that ^. i think to get responses you should post a separate thread.</p>


<p>ucb- match
ucla- match
ucsd- slight match
uci- slight reach
ucd- slight reach
ucsb- slight reach
ucr- reach
ucm- super reach</p>

<p>haha wf909 basiclaly turn the order of the schools around for chexmixbbq's post.</p>

<p>I was in a state of disbelief for a good two hours... and then I took out a piece of paper and listed the pro's and con's of UCLA and Cal-- to help me decide which one to go to.</p>

<p>....yeah, uc merced is impossible to get into =P</p>