How Did Your HS Fare In The Early Round?

<p>My high school traditionally gets around 6 people into VERY elite schools (I'm talking literally all of HYPMS). However, we have never gotten more than two people into these by December 15 (via early action/decision).... until this year. This year, I think our class of 300 did reasonably well for a random public school in the middle of Maryland. Here's where people applied and the results.</p>

<p>Yale: 3 Applied - 2 Accepted, 1 Rejected</p>

<p>Penn: 4 Applied - 2 Accepted (one of which to Wharton), 2 Rejected</p>

<p>Stanford: 2 Applied - 1 Accepted, 1 Rejected</p>

<p>Brown: 2 Applied - 1 Deferred, 1 Rejected</p>

<p>Darmouth: 1 Applied - 1 Deferred</p>

<p>MIT: 2 Applied - 2 Deferred</p>

<p>UChicago: 1? Applied - 1 Accepted</p>

<p>WUSTL: 1 Applied - 1 Accepted</p>

<p>So anyway, that's that. Overall I'm really proud of how the class of '09 is doing so far. We're REALLY hoping to get people into MIT, Harvard, and a couple other places this far.</p>

<p>Post your HS's results and be sure to CELEBRATE!</p>

<p>We have 1200 kids in my class, and we are a very good public school (probably send 40+ to top 25 schools (we are a northwestern feeder), and atleast 5 to hypsm a year). This year, I was the only kid to get into a top school early (CORNELL WOOOOO!!!) and I was only ranked 75/1200. Some kid ranked 3/1200 got outright rejected from penn early. Everyone wants to kill me.</p>

<p>We didn’t do to well… last year we ended up with I think one at Yale, one at Brown, one at MIT because of athletics, and maybe a few other Ivies.</p>

<p>I only know about the people who got in, so there might be a lot of people I’m missing here, but this year:</p>

<p>Yale – deferrals and rejections
Dartmouth – at least 1 deferral
UPenn – 1 accepted
Caltech – 1 deferral
Cornell – 2 acceptances, some deferrals and rejections
Brown – at least 1 deferral
Georgetown – at least 1 deferral
George Washington – 2 acceptances, some rejections and deferrals
JHU – 1 acceptance</p>

<p>Harvard - 1 Sports
N’Western - 1 ED
UChicago - 1
Notre Dame - 1
GaTech - 3 and rising</p>

<p>that’s all I know of.</p>

<p>Son’s school…private prep with class of 278. I don’t know how many applied where but I do know the major early acceptances: </p>

MIT: 1
Pomona: 1
Johns Hopkins: 1
Duke: 1
George Washington: 2</p>

<p>Yale: 1 applied, 1 deferred
Penn: 1 applied, 1 deferred</p>

<p>That’s it.</p>

<p>From what I remember:</p>

<p>These are mostly from the top 10% of a 700 student class!
MIT: 1 accepted; 1 deferred
Wharton: 1 accepted
Upenn: 4 accepted
Yale: 2 accepted
Boston College:A lot
NYU: A lot
Georgetown: 2 accepted
Harvard: 1 accepted (Intel Finalist)
Duke: 1 accepted</p>

<p>3 rejected from stanford, 3 deferred from yale, 1 deferred from penn, and i think 2 more applied somewhere else but not sure what happened to them.</p>

<p>My school doesn’t get anyone in anywhere… other than a bunch of in-state publics, the best I can think of is a girl going to CMU.</p>

<p>Yale: 1 applied, 1 rejected
Penn: 1 applied, 1 accepted
Cornell: 3 applied, 1 accepted, 1 deferred, 1 rejected
Northwestern: 1 applied, 1 accepted
Brown: 2 applied, 2 deferred
NYU: 2 applied, 1 accepted, 1 deferred
Bard: 2 applied, 2 accepted
Tulane: 5 applied, 4 accepted, 1 deferred
Wesleyan: 1 applied, 1 accepted
Oberlin: 1 applied, 1 rejected</p>

<p>That’s all I can remember right now.</p>

<p>Not a very prestigious school
not one person applied early decision</p>

<p>School - Public, NY, 212=senior class</p>

<p>So far, </p>

<p>Yale - One applied, one rejected
Columbia - One applied, one accepted (sports)
NYU - One applied, one accepted</p>

<p>We send someone to HYPSM about once every 2 or 3 years.</p>

<p>Most people in the top ten percent end up going to UT or take the scholarship money to another public school but… (oh and it’s a large public school)</p>

<p>1 accepted ED to cornell
1 accepted ED to northwestern (me lol)
1 deferred wake forest
1 accepted EA to Notre Dame</p>

<p>last year number 2 and 3 were rejected standford EA.</p>

<p>4 Stanford
2 UPenn (1 Wharton, 1 Huntsman)
1 Cornell
1 UChicago</p>

<p>Yale: 2 applies, 1 accepted
U of chicago: 2 applies, 2 accepted
MIT: 2 applies, 2 accepted
Notre Dame: ~30 applies, ~25 accepted</p>

<p>im not a senior, but this is what i heard…</p>

<p>Two in at Stanford, I think. I’m not sure about other results, because they aren’t officially announced at my son’s high school.</p>

<p>2 at Stanford (one legacy and dad is a big donor and alumni association guy though)
1 Kid got into both Caltech and MIT, going to Caltech
1 Kid got into MIT (recruited athlete though)
3 got into Yale SCEA!
1 got into Wash U ED
1 got into Georgetown SFS</p>

<p>School in Georgia…</p>

<p>2 Penn
1 Yale
2 Chicago
1 Stanford</p>

<p>(I got into Penn and Chicago :))</p>

<p>1 applied, 1 accepted… Bucknell…yeah that’s it, </p>

<p>…i have no chance with the ivies comin from this school T_T</p>

<p>Yeah my school did HORRENDOUSLY…
I applied to Cornell and got deferred:</p>

<p>5 applied to Yale SCEA: 3 deferred, 2 rejected
14 applied to Cornell ED: 1 accepted, 5 deferred, 8 rejected… (wow)
2 applied to Chicago: 1 accepted, 1 deferred
1 applied to Michigan EA: 1 accepted
1 applied to Dartmouth ED: 1 deferred
1 applied to Williams ED: 1 accepted
2 applied to NYU ED: 1 accepted, 1 rejected</p>

<p>Essentially got MURDERED by ED this year… 8 outright rejections from Cornell is unprecedented.</p>