<p>How different would our world be without race, religion, gender discrimination, etc.? Any differences no matter how little or how big. (War, clothing, music, etc.)</p>
<p>I'm curious of what others have to say, and I hope this thread doesn't just die in a few minutes!</p>
<p>I'll have to think of something, but in the mean time, post away!</p>
<p>Interesting question. I don't think humans are that much different from other animals in terms of their interactions. Humans like to form groups. They are tribal in nature. If everyone was of the same race, we still would see vast regional differences. There would be groups of people who like communism; groups who like socialism; groups who like (or endure) dictatorships, etc. We would still have wars as each group competes to hegemony. As for other animals, humans are subject to the "survival of the fittest" law of nature.</p>
<p>I think that there would still be war. This is probably a cynical view, but humans are greedy by nature; we always want more than what we already have. So while there won't be wars based on religion or race, there will still be wars to get more land and resources.</p>
<p>Like razorsharp said, there will still be regional groups. While they might not look different from each other, they'd still be separate distinct cultures. Again, this could also spark war ("My culture is superior to yours.")</p>
<p>I think that all of our cultural differences are what make life interesting. Imagine how boring everything would be if we were all the same (Think "The Giver" by Lois Lowry)</p>
<p>I would hate it. Not the part of having no discrimination but having everyone look and act the same. It would be a world of clones and boredom. Humans are what makes diversity a problem. But, being from different backgrounds is really beautiful and a blessing.</p>
<p>The world would be a better place if their was not such a thing called Rap, or Hip Hop.</p>
<p>I dont think anything would change.</p>
<p>The fact is, every Human wants the best for their people. Anybody who tells you other wise is either stupid or Lying. Everybody takes care of their familys first, then come either race or religion.</p>
<p>jews would still only hire jews
Italians would still only hire Italians
Chatholics would do the same, but also with the race.</p>
<p>Nothing would change.</p>
<p>But then again, without diversity, their would be no room for improvement. We as humans would be stuck, with the type of lives and have no reason to change.</p>
<p>I think our world would be less interesting without the beautifully different races we have today. It's interesting to note that none of us would know nor be inspired by activists such as Martin Luther King Jr. or Gandhi, since their fame came about from breaking racial barriers.</p>
<p>If we eliminated all modern-day forms of prejudice, humans would find a way to discriminate anyway. I'm sure some people here have seen Gattaca, no?</p>
<p>I dont think race actually exists biologically. Race is a construction of scientists who were over concerned with taxonomy.... applying a simplistic, descriptive system to complex geneology. A legendary sports announcer just received an organ transplant from a young black man. The organ was a perfect match. How does race figure biologically in this event? Ethnicity exists, and figures in differences in appearance, language, and life practices...as does environment and "culture" ....Distinction and difference are fascinating and delightful ..but race???....itds just an attempt to apply more order to the richness of life than is necessary. </p>
<p>On the other hand many fundamentalists think we are all descended from Adam Eve, maybe 5000 years ago. Doesnt that make us all related??? If so what is the basis of racilal prejudice among that group???</p>
Is this a racist comment? Sorry, or is it just me? I'm suprised no one has responded to this.. maybe it's not supposed to be a racist comment..?</p>
<p>Anyway, I read somewhere than humans are going to all be brownish skinned with asiany eyes in thousands of years time.. I think there will be less prejudice but war will definetly exist.. i guess it's just the way humans are..</p>
<p>I don't think Jews are a race, no offense to those who are Jewish. To me, they are a religious group because they are linked through religious beliefs and are indentified by religious practices. If I consider Jews to be a nation of people, then I consider Muslims to be a nation of people. </p>
<p>Yes, NoFX, I do think that was a racist comment. I can't believe someone is telling me if this world was 100% white it would be a better place, as if blacks, hispanics, asians, and native americans are all corrupt. Let's not forget who nearly killed off the natives, enslaved the blacks, invaded the lands of Hispanics (among all the other minorities) and oppressed them, too, and barred hard-working Asians from enjoying the rights of citizenship, especially during the period around WW2. I'm not saying whites are the most evil race, but they are no better than any other races. Everyone has their imperfections. No one group is purer than the rest.</p>
<p>If you think about it, what is race anyway? It's a "classification" that humans came up with. Biologically/genetically, we're no different from each other. You can't tell if someone is Asian, Caucasian, etc. just by looking at their DNA.</p>
<p>Scientists believe that when humans first started evolving, "we" were all living in Africa. We all had dark skin, hair, and eyes. Gradually as groups started migrating to the other continents, they had to adapt to the different climates. For example, pale skin was advantageous in the northern parts, because it could absorb more sunlight and therefore produce vitamin D for the body. Blue eyes were a mutation.</p>
Let's not forget who nearly killed off the natives, enslaved the blacks, invaded the lands of Hispanics (among all the other minorities) and oppressed them, too, and barred hard-working Asians from enjoying the rights of citizenship, especially during the period around WW2
<p>Do you think any of those races would not have done the same thing, if they were in the white mans situation. If you think only the white man would do such a thing, you are crazy.</p>
<p>If I were Black I would think I am better than whites, asians and latins
If I were Asian I would think I am better than whites Blacks and latins
If I were Latin I would think I am better than whites blacks and Asians
I am white and Think I am better than Blacks, Hispanics and Asians.</p>
<p>as do all of you who fit the catagories. Every person, will always try to help whats theirs before they help others.</p>
<p>Look at the world of felines. Would a Lion help a Cougar. I doubt that. Would a Courgar help a panther. I doubt that.</p>
<p>All felines, like we are humans, But they hate each other.</p>
<p>wow, so you lower YOUR thinking to that of cat's. your alone on that one.</p>
Do you think any of those races would not have done the same thing, if they were in the white mans situation. If you think only the white man would do such a thing, you are crazy.
<p>that's a sad cop out. blacks weren't the one's exploring the world and conquering people and their lands. besides the spanish, every other type of hispanic country has people that came from the mixture of the white, spanish, blacks, and natives. and i don't recall asians ever enslaving an entire other race. and it would have been against the native americans belief to do what the white men did to them.</p>
<p>so i doubt other races would have done that if they had been in the white man's position. there's not proof to support your statement. there's is more proof to show how it makes no sense. and can you say its just coincidence that mostly white men have enslaved, killed, or conquered just because of race? hitler, the early americans...this all happened recently in the world. i don't hold it against white people at all, because they aren't the ones who necessarily did it. it was their ancestors. but if they have that same ignorant mentality, well then i can compare them to the racists of the past.</p>