How Difficult is AP Chemistry?

<p>I'm currently planning my senior courses for the fall, and I'm considering taking AP Chem. </p>

<p>I took College Prep Chem as a sophomore. I really liked it and got straight A's in the class. Out of Bio, Chem, & Physics, Chem was definitely my favorite. </p>

<p>I am worried about the difficulty of the class though. I'll already be taking 3 other APs (Lit/Gov/Latin) and I don't want to get in over my head. The AP teacher, who taught me in CP Chem, is encouraging me to take it. </p>

<p>I'd really appreciate feedback from anybody who's taken the class! :)</p>

<p>DO IT.</p>

<p>It’s been my favorite AP class out of my 10 or so.</p>

<p>It’s not hard, and it’s tons of fun.</p>

<p>Depends on the school. It’s the hardest one at my school and you basically die when you take it, complete opposite of what it is at hilsa’s school. But if you enjoy chem, definitely take it then! I dislike science in general and abhor chem but I’m still taking AP chem along with 5 other APs simultaneously. So if I can take it and hate it to begin with, you should definitely take it if you like it!</p>

<p>My D is currently taking it and loves every moment of it. Same as “honorstudent”, she is taking it along with 5 other APs simultaneously, and D is doing just fine. Go4it, if you like science.</p>

<p>I took AP chem with 3 or 4 AP classes last year, and I loved chem class the most out of all high school classes. Take it since you like it.</p>

<p>my sister is currently in AP chem, it isn’t the easiest class but she still manages to get an A and absolutely loves it. You should take it.</p>

<p>At my school, it’s infamously hard. I took it sophomore year and it was definitely rough. However, much of that was because of the teacher. If you’ve already taken CP Chem, Ap likely won’t be as hard for you as it is for many others.</p>

<p>It definitely depends on your own school. Ask classmates who are taking it this year or who have taken it already.</p>

<p>For me, chem is the hardest class in my schedule, and a few of my friends, who really liked honors chem when we took it last year, find AP chem really difficult as well.</p>

<p>AP Chem is known to be the hardest course at our school. That’s why 4 people took it last year, and 6 this year. It’s hard.</p>

<p>Wow, they would have canceled the class at my school then. If you don’t have 20 kids (more or less, not sure on the exact number) but definitely at least 15 I think the class gets dropped.</p>

<p>Thanks for all of the replies, everyone! </p>

<p>Chem is known to be one of the harder APs at my school, but the (count them…3!..) current students said they love their textbook and that the teacher is good. So…I think I might do it. Hopefully I’ll still like Chem come this time next year!</p>

<p>Behind Calc BC, Chemistry is the hardest AP at my school as well. However, it is so much fun - a great curriculum. If you love chemistry, or even have an interest in it, definitely take it. I have a great teacher, PhD, graduated 3rd in her class from Georgia Tech, she makes it extremely approachable. It is not a class to be scared of. If you work hard, study the material, and practice practice practice, you will be fine.</p>

<p>I don’t think Chem is really that hard at my school. A lot of people take it, but that’s partially because everyone adores the teacher. He’s an amazing teacher- really fun, get’s the job done, etc. I’d say go for it.
Lit is a really easy AP. I’m not sure if you’re taking US Gov or Comparative, so can’t really comment but neither one of those is really “hard.” I guess, since the College Board is getting rid of Ovid you must be taking Vergil? That’s a good bit of work, but again it’s not hard as long as you have good Latin background.</p>

<p>I was 1 of 2 students in my AP Chem class last year.</p>


<p>I got a 5. Would have been sad if I didn’t.</p>

<p>I loved CP chem as a sophomore too. And then I took AP Chem, which only accepted the top 30 students that tested in (thus made it the “hardest” AP class to get into at least), and had one of the most enjoyable classes I’ve had in high school.</p>

<p>I guess what I liked about it was that everyone was trying hard, we all knew each other, and our teacher was awesome (though he didn’t teach a lot lol). Our standards were high and we all expected each other to get 5’s, which a lot of us did. Felt a lot like college environment to me and yeah, that’s all I have to say.</p>

<p>Take it. You prob won’t regret it unless your AP Chem program sucks lol</p>

<p>In short, it all depends on your teacher. Chemistry is a subject that I would definitely be interested in, except that our teacher just botches it up until it becomes more of a torture than a valuable learning experience. Just ask anyone in my class.</p>

<p>I would have to say that it depends on your school and your teacher. I think that it is hard compared to my other classes (I am taking 5 more APs at the moment in addition to this one), and the science department practically had to beg the ten people that are in the class to take it.</p>

<p>Buy the companion study guide to the text book, assuming that your school use regular college text for this couse. You can buy it used, just google it using the text book ISBN. Also, REA Chemistry Problem Solvers (not really sure the title here) could be very helpful if you need help in solving chemistry problems. Since this is a college level course, the big part in college education is you must have the ability to learn by yourself. Hence the two book recommendation.</p>