How difficult is it to get into SoHE after freshman year?

<p>My DD was recently accepted to University of Wisconsin- Madison. She loves the school and in particular, is very excited because it offers a Retail major in the School of Human Ecology. Her acceptance letter was a bit confusing, since it stated that SoHE was her college - we thought perhaps she was directly admitted to the school of her choice. It appears as this is not the case and she would have to apply at the end of freshman year. Does anyone have any experience with this? I keep hearing that it is "competitive", how difficult and risky would this be? Any input would be so appreciated!</p>

<p>You are correct as to having to apply during 2nd semester of 1st year. It is competitive. Other majors in the school are open to all.</p>

<p>Thank you! Just to clarify - are you saying that the Retail major is competitive , but other majors in SoHE are open to all and just require declaring a major ( such as textile design) ? What about the “individual major” option? I am just trying to figure out what could possibly be her Plan B if Retailing is closed out to her.</p>