How difficult is it to receive the Dean Exlempary Award at U of A?

I’m wondering how competitive the Dean Exlempary scholarship at U of A is. I know it’s based on rigorous classes taken, so does that mean there’s a certain number of APs I needed to take? TIA

4.0 gpa
1470 SAT
3 APs

I received it and here are my stats

3.8 UW
4.1 W
1450 SAT
8 APs

Any update? I received mail about it today. Not sure how my gpa recalculated but all A’s, 2 ap classes last year, 1490 sat

I received it too - 32 ACT 4.14 W

No update yet. Did you get an email or letter in the mail? @cbs1211 @keepingitsimple

@Ine5678 letter

@lne5678 i got in in my financial aid letter, as well as a little certficate type thing in the mail