<p>I am completely smitten with Smith College and would like to transfer for Fall of 2015 as a sophomore. They have an excellent faculty, a program that my current college doesn't offer and a plethora of internship opportunities. </p>
<p>I have concerns that my high school performance is weaker than the average Smithie, though like most people, I have explanations I feel I could write well about. I graduated top tenth percentile with a 3.6 UW, SAT 2050, fairly solid extracurricular activities, and almost all AP/honors level curriculum.</p>
<p>If I maintained a solid 3.9 my first two semesters in college, would it be plausible for me to transfer in that early with a relatively bad high school performance?</p>
<p>Absolutely. I was accepted at Smith from a CC with a 4.0 GPA, and a deplorable HS GPA of 2.7 (medical/Family issues were explained during my admission’s interview). I was also admitted to Amherst College and Mount Holyoke, which are members of the five college consortium. Write a stellar essay and you may be golden.</p>
<p>That’s amazing! The only word that comes to mind is congratulations! I am interested in Amherst as well, but with a 4% transfer acceptance rate and demonstrated preference to community college students, I cannot make the mistake of concentrating on a school that will ultimately reject me (even though it is the only school that I would give my right pinky to attend).</p>
<p>Smith, however, seems to have a very welcoming, girl empowering community that I would quickly fall in love with.
I’ve committed to applying; fingers crossed!</p>