How do colleges pick people off a waitlist?

<p>do they review all the apps again of those on the waitlist and choose the most qualified? is it random? how?</p>

<p>They’re not required to publicize that information, so I don’t think anyone but the people who actually do it know.</p>

<p>I think it varies by school; some rank their waitlists while others have a lottery sort of system.</p>

<p>I doubt it’s a lottery. They probably look at the “turn downs”. If many of them were musically inclined, let’s say, they’ll look to see who could replace them on the WL with similar music background.</p>

<p>In my discussions with my HYP regional rep, he said they kinda go by gut instinct based on who doesn’t matriculate and then to the really remarkable ones on their WL – I guess it’s an informal ranking that the officers do.</p>