How do first-year students apply for classes at Binghamton?

This might seem like a silly question, but I have a friend who is now a junior at Binghamton, and I remember her telling me that at her freshman orientation, everyone went on computers and had to basically race to pick classes before they filled. Is that the way it is now?

I’m pretty sure that there is freshman orientation now which includes you sitting down with an advisor and discussing your potential schedule. I would recommend you do your research though on classes that you want to take so you have a somewhat game plan before meeting with an advisor.

Thank you @treestumpgirl‌!

And have a back up schedule/alternative choices. This is the most stressful part of the orientation. My kid is a sophomore, and it was done as the original poster said.

also, if you don’t get the classes you need your first semester you may as well not go. you’ll never graduate.

is there anything this generation of people doesn’t worry about? wonder how we made it to this wonderful point in time

You pick your classes at orientation. I recommend you get an earlier orientation date if possible so more classes will be available to to.

Okay, good to know. That sounds pretty stressful.

How could registering for class be stressful? You turn on a computer, go to the site, select you classes.