<p>I searched some websites on how to calculate the UC GPA but I don't know how to do it. I'm confused. =/
Please explain how I can calculate the UC/CSU GPA.</p>
<p>This website explains it and has an automatic calculator for GPA:</p>
<p>[CSUMentor</a> - Plan for College - High School Students - GPA Calculator](<a href=“Cal State Apply | CSU”>Cal State Apply | CSU)</p>
<p>UC GPA is calculated by taking your 10-11th semesters, and only WEIGHTING 8 semesters of classes.</p>
<p>I’d like to make a slight correction on what junshik said, UC GPA is calculated by taking your 10th-11th semesters (but only including A-G requirements), and only weighting 8 semesters of classes…</p>
<p>so things like P.E will not count…</p>