How do I calculated my UC GPA?

<p>Anyone know how? I only know my weighted/unweighted and CSU GPA at the moment and I’m confused of how to calculate GPA for UC’s. If you know how, let me know!

<p>take only your a-g courses</p>


<p>there's a chart somewhere i don't know. </p>

<p>For each AP class you've taken add a bonus point. For each honor's half a point.</p>

<p>divide by total number of classes.</p>

<p>A- is NOT a 3.7. The UC's do not use plusses and minuses. There are no half-points for honors. It's a full point for each semester of a UC-approved honors course.</p>

<p>CSU and UC are similar (if not the same). Max 8 semesters count as weighted (A=5, etc) and must be AP, IB or UC approved honors. UCs only look at 10th & 11th grade in calculating GPA. </p>

<p>No 1/2 points, no plusses or minuses.</p>

<p>SoCalGal09 has it right.</p>

<p>My daughter attends a private high school in L.A. where she's currently a sophomore. Would someone be so kind as to help me calculate her GPA (weighted) so far? AND - let me know how many points each letter grade is worth (do Honors classes weigh as APs?)</p>

<p>9th Grade</p>

<p>A/A English
A/A Latin II
A/B+ Geometry Honors
A/A Science
A/A Ancient Civ. Honors
A/A Concert Choir
A/A Drama II</p>

<p>10th Grade</p>

<p>A English II
A Latin III Honors
A- Algebra II w/Trig. Honors
A- Chemistry Honors
A- AP U.S. History
A Chamber Choir</p>

<p>UC GPA:</p>

<p>The easiest way is so (assuming no community college courses were taken):</p>

<p>Take each semester from 10th/11th grade, for instance:</p>

1st semester = 4.0
2nd semester = 3.8</p>

1st semester = 4.2
2nd semester = 4.3</p>

<p>Then, add all those numbers together, so:</p>

<p>4.0 + 3.8 + 4.2 + 4.3 = 16.3</p>

<p>Divide that number by 4: 16.3/4 = 4.075 UC GPA.</p>


<p>That doesn't answer my question at all. Especially because the UCs dont count +/-.</p>

<p>For instance, what are the points for an A- in AP U.S. Hist.?</p>

<p>I wasn't attempting to answer your question, sir. =P Hence, I put "UC GPA." It was directed to Asian_girl.</p>

<p>As for you, the +/-'s don't mean anything. Count each grade as A,B,C, and so on. </p>

<p>A = 4 points
B = 3
C = 2
D = 1
F = 0</p>

<p>If it's an Honors/AP class, you receive 1 additional point. For instance, AP U.S History = A, you would receive 5 points instead of 4. If you received a B, you would get 4 points.</p>

<p>Add up all these points for each class (each semester) then divide by how many classes you've taken (1 class = 2 semesters, if applicable). And voila. </p>


<p>I calculated and it comes out to be 4.15 weighted GPA.</p>

<p>But remember UCs don't count 9th grade. And Honors/APs are capped at 8 semesters total for 10th & 11th grades. Since you're in CA, your school should tell you if your honors classes are "UC approved". Our school won't call a class "honors" unless it is. (It changes to "advanced".)</p>

<p>Here's a cool calculator for you:</a> - Calculating Your GPA</p>

<p>Westwood: Honors Alg II is never UC-approved for a bonus point, nor is Lang III (only Lang IV). Honors Chem may be, depending on the school and whether it has a prereq.</p>

<p>rameezkhan, that doesn't work because you may take more or less classes within the four counted semesters.</p>

<p>for example, last year i took 5 classes that counted; this year, uc's only recognize 4. so you couldn't just add up the semesters but rather, you'd have to do each class (per semester) individually.</p>

<p>Hey Westwood,</p>

<p>Your daughter's 9th grade coursework won't be included in her UC GPA... only grades 10 and 11. Pluses and minuses don't matter (e.g., B+, B, and B- are all equal to 3). AP, IB, and approved honor courses get a bonus point (e.g., A equals 5), but UC only allows a total of 8 bonus points (i.e., for 8 semesters of coursework).</p>

<p>To see what honors courses at your daughter's HS are recognized by UC, consult University</a> of California Doorways Home</p>

<p>bluebayou is correct that Honors Alg II is not UC-approved; at my son's HS, Honors Spanish III is (Honors Spanish II is not... they don't offer Latin) as is Honors Chemistry. You can also verify whether Chorus is considered an a-g course (and hence included in the GPA calculation).</p>

<p>If we assume your daughter's Chorus is included and Latin Honors III and Honors Chemistry are recognized as honors:
A English II = 4
A Latin III Honors = 5
A- Algebra II w/Trig. Honors = 4
A- Chemistry Honors = 5
A- AP U.S. History = 5
A Chamber Choir = 4</p>

<p>That gives your daughter a UC GPA of 27/6 = 4.5</p>

<p>Note, however, that she has already been awarded 3 of her 8 allowed bonus points, so she would only have 5 for her remaining three semesters. However, in evaluating applicants, some campuses "uncap" the honors allotment (but these campuses list their stats in terms of "capped" UC GPA).</p>

<p>In short, your daughter is off to a great start... it'll be hard for her to get credit for showing improvement though.</p>

<p>Guess you just can't win ... the "maintaining" is going to be a stressful one ...</p>

<p>Thank you all for your input! Amazing what you know.</p>

<p>isnt there a cutoff of 8 extra points for UC schools?</p>