How do I change my major?


last night I was accepted into UW Madison’s college of Letters and Sciences. When I applied I entered my major as undecided with a possible focus in business, but I’d like to change it to philosophy (which is in the college of Letters and Sciences too). How do I do that?


My understanding is that you don’t need to change anything, as you were admitted to the college that houses that major. Just discuss with your advisors when you go to SOAR, is what I’ve heard.

If I applied to the school of engineering as my primary major and got accepted there, would I be able to change to the college of arts and sciences for an economics major?

@hhhheinz - from COE to L&S - my guess would be “yes”. But speak to your advisor when you register for classes.

People - you need to change your major BEFORE you go to SOAR so that you are grouped with the right advisors. Just email Admissions that you want to change your major.

Ditto- make changes to your major before SOAR to get the best advisors for your intentions.

Other than that you can change your major anytime before you graduate- more than once. The advantage of having a major is getting a major specific advisor instead of general ones. You will learn much more about how things work once you’re actually on campus as a student. btw- if you are in the L&S Honors Program there are advisors for that at SOAR.

So the SOAR advisors are major-specific? That’s actually good to know! My daughters major is business but she’s admitted to L&S for now and isn’t planning to try for direct admit. She’s now thinking Econ and history. Glad this whole admission process thing has forced her to give some thought to what she wants to do! But she’s honestly not 100% sure and we are not discouraging her from keeping her options open. She’ll have a much better idea once she has gotten her college underway. So what should be the advice? Go with general advisors or Econ-specific ones? She’s in L&S anyway and is likely to stay there. Does it really matter what her major is at this point?

@JBStillFlying did your daughter still put business as her first choice major even though she does not plan on trying for direct admit? My son applied regular decision, with business first and an l&s major second. Doubt he will apply direct admit to business…so I’m hoping he still filled it out correctly.

@uwalummom she did put business down as her first choice major so was sent the invitation to apply Direct but hasn’t sent in her application and essay yet. Maybe I should check with her now that she’s admitted to see what she’s thinking. I think for her the issue is “do I really want to do business or am I more interested in Social Sciences”? Since the business pre-reqs are fulfilled in L&S anyway, I don’t see why she can’t do some of those and then make a final decision on direction in spring of freshman year. That’s what your son is planning to do as well, correct?

The History thing was new to us but she had given it a lot of thought. She’s gifted in this area so I shouldn’t be too surprised but it didn’t come up as a field of study till all her apps were sent off LOL. Perhaps she was thinking it didn’t sound “practical”. She would probably be combining either with another major in L&S or with business (WSB allows you, with approval, to pursue another major in L&S). Or I suppose she could minor in History if that’s allowed (haven’t looked into that possibility).

Lots of options. Very excited for her.

Good luck to your son!

@JBStillFlying Thank you! I appreciate hearing about your daughter’s experience. My son wanted to put two business majors as his first and second choices. I told him to choose a major in a different school for his second choice. I’m not sure that he will apply for direct admit. It is very selective and involves a long essay detailing your business experience. I don’t think he has enough to write about…

Thanks for the good luck wishes, and congrats to your daughter!!

The SOAR advisors may not always be in the intended major but a better match of major/advisor is greater with listing the intended major. Professors have insider knowledge in their departments and can give useful hints.

Anyone know if UW has regional directory of admissions counselors? I wouldn’t mind calling the counselor assigned to our area. Thanks.

I saw on CC that multiple counselors will review each application. Plus- bugging them does not seem like a good idea. Your record speaks for itself, it should not need explaining. You will not impress them with that kind of interest- assume everyone else (thousands of students) who applied also wants to be accepted.

@Banker1 didn’t your student get admitted?

@JBStillFlying Yes, she got admitted.

Also- the student, not others, are the ones who should be dealing with colleges. The paradigm changes from HS, even if the student is under 18. The relationship is between student and school- parents excluded (anyone can pay bills, however).