How Do I Change My User Name?

<p>Because I'm no longer worried, now that I've gotten into my #1 choice school. :)</p>

<p>Yea! What will your new name be????? Congrats!</p>

<p>haha I like this topic. Grats~!!!</p>

What will your new name be?????


Oh, I don't know....Relaxed Student (haha, not really).</p>

<p>LOL!!!! i was just about to say, "are you no longer worried or something?" Congrats!!! Where are you going next year?</p>

LOL!!!! i was just about to say, "are you no longer worried or something?" Congrats!!! Where are you going next year?


University of Oregon</p>


Nice, the one in Eugene right?
nice place, good for research :)</p>

<p>Yea, it's in Eugene. The campus is really nice.</p>

<p>awesome!!!! congrats!!!</p>

<p>i wanted to go to that school when i wanted to major in advertising. WHat is your major and stats if you don't mind me asking?</p>

<p>~ 3.0 GPA coming from a Cal State.</p>

<p>I'm going to major in either business or economics (learning towards economics).</p>

<p>very nice. Oregon is pretty good in business. If there engineering department was a bit better i would strongly consider applying there.</p>

<p>just start with a new username, its not like you have an amazing amount of posts or something else that would be terrible to loose :D</p>

<p>the problem is he has a reputation of being a worried student on these boards. Who knows, he might be a worried student later on when he applies to grad school.</p>

<p>^ ha ha ha</p>

the problem is he has a reputation of being a worried student on these boards. Who knows, he might be a worried student later on when he applies to grad school.


lol, that is a long ways away. I doubt I'll be posting here then.</p>

<p>yeah, you'll be on the graduate boards on the bottom of the transfer students ;)</p>