<p>Is it up on zot portal? or something like that. Anyway, help please</p>
<p>I don’t think it’s up yet. Anyway, here’s the website:
<a href=“UCInetID Secure Web Login”>UCInetID Secure Web Login - Loading Session Information;
<p>^ I logged into my account and under “current account”—> “Current Transactions”
only the 20 dollar for housing appears (which appears twice)</p>
<p>its all listed here</p>
<p>[UCI</a> University Registrar - Undergraduate Student Fees 2011-12](<a href=“http://www.reg.uci.edu/fees/2011-2012/undergrad.html]UCI”>UCI University Registrar - Undergraduate Student Fees 2011-12)</p>
<p>wt is Nonresident Supplemental Tuition</p>
<p>Essentially, if you don’t live in California, your tuition spikes. That’s why you have to verify your residency after you SIR so they know how much to bill you.</p>
<p>is the non resident fee for international students?!</p>
<p>Once again, since you are not a CA resident…the answer is YES. Sorry.</p>
how come the fee is doubled by resident or not @0@</p>
<p>the students parents get taxed by the state to support the UC’s thus lower tuition</p>