How do i counter a not-so-hot GPA?

<p>Hi all, im new here. Anyway, let me say that i'm not looking for tips on how to do better in school, i'm simply looking for how to cover for a somewhat low gpa. First, i'm in 11th grade, and as of now, have 4 AP's under my belt, and plan to take 3 or 4 more in 12th grade for a total of 7 or 8 in HS. Next, my PSAT result was 202, so i should be in fine shape with the real thing (expecting 2200+). I'm obviously intelligent, and i spend LONG hours on homework and studying, but constantly get B's (dragging my gpa to a 3.3 -3.4 or so). Besides doing well on SAT's (which im poised to do), besides working hard (which i already do), can you suggest what i can do (ACADEMICS related)to cover a low 11th grade gpa? (10th grade gpa was 3.7). Will taking more AP's help? Will taking SAT Subject Tests help? Thanks.</p>

<p>EC’s like Clubs, Community Service, and work experience will all help bolster your resume. Try to get a summer job in a related field that you are trying to major in. Also, write a killer college essay. That’ll help. Good Luck.</p>

<p>Depends what schools you plan on applying to. At any rate, you should do plenty of EC’s and become leaders in them (officers etc) or even start them. Volunteer work is a must, around 100 hours or 200 for top schools. Take subject tests and your PSAT score is excellent, but if you work on it, your SAT score may even be higher. More AP’s help-- providing you do well in them. Internships also show strong interest in the field that you plan on studying like the above post said. Remember, becoming officers or leaders in EC activities always help 100%. Volunteer work and Internships only sweeten the deal. Kiss some ass to some teachers and hope for a better grade llolol.</p>

<p>Also: I wonder if we have the same name? lolol</p>