<p>I can't seem to find the exact date of SAT testing. My college app asks for day, month, year: I could only find month and year on the collegeboard site.</p>
<p>does anybody have a solution to this?</p>
<p>I can't seem to find the exact date of SAT testing. My college app asks for day, month, year: I could only find month and year on the collegeboard site.</p>
<p>does anybody have a solution to this?</p>
<p>of tests youve already or will take? these are the dates of upcoming tests:</p>
<p>Oct 14th 2006
Nov 4th 2006
Dec 2nd 2006
Jan 27th 2007
Mar 7th 2007
May 5th 2007
Jun 2nd 2007</p>
<p>of test I've already taken. I took one January 2006 and June 2006</p>
<p>I took the january 06 test as well it was Saturday January 28th</p>
<p>oh thanks. what about june.</p>
<p>Its always the first saturaday of june so i would say the 3rd</p>
<p>Doesn't it show up on your account on collegeboard.com?</p>
<p>it doesn't show on my acc on collegeboard, it only says the month and year</p>