How do I find unpaid lab positions?

<p>I need to find an IP project for Bio 152 and despite some emails (and one interview), I haven't had much luck finding one. Also, I just want to get in a lab to learn if research is for me.</p>

<p>I'm wondering if there's a way for PIs to get the word out that they need/want undergraduates (ha, yea right, I know) to do volunteer/credit-based work in their labs without spamming the relevant course email lists. Maybe something similar to BuckyNet?</p>

<p>It seems like most people's advice is to just email professors that you're interested in working with, but that seems like a good way to annoy people, and you don't even know if they're looking for someone in the first place. Has anyone had any success getting a lab position by some other means? Thanks.</p>

<p>Emailing professors is the best way. It’s not annoying to them, they would be very happy you take interest in their work. Take your time, in the email show your interest. The best time to be sending those emails is now, so get on that</p>

<p>How do I get the emails of professors who are looking for undergrads though?</p>

<p>Professor emails should be on their bio page. So go to the department website, go to faculty or research or just browse around. There will be a list of professors, a summary of their research, and their contact info</p>