how do i get a girlfriend in electrical engineering?

<p>My class is only composed of 15% girls that are reasonable looking. Of these 15%, all of them are either engaged or have boyfriends.</p>

<p>Also, i have lots of homework making it difficult to talk to girls outside of engineering.</p>

<p>So how the heck do i get a girlfriend in electrical engineering?</p>

<p>…you don’t…</p>

<p>why do you think it’s called engineering?</p>

<p>try a girl in another major</p>

<p>join a club</p>

<p>get a life? …outside class</p>

<p>EE girls is fugly.</p>

<p>You treat her like a real lady and impress her like hell. I got female friends in that-- trust me, you’ll be trying hard since the fact they know they can get any guy in the room (for the most part). Beyond the girly exterior, they’re nerds at heart, too. ;]</p>

<p>Join Smith College :smiley: Or cross-reg there lol XD</p>

<p>yeah, try for someone in another major lol… business girls! ;)</p>

<p>Going for girls in communications maximizes EV imo.</p>

<p>I’m currently a grad student in another field, but I remember there was a girl I knew in high school who went into engineering. She got two master’s degrees, one in electrical engineering and one in math. She was a very social, slender blonde. </p>

<p>Of course, as you said, the reasonable looking girls in your field are already engaged or whatever. What about one of the not so attractive girls? Looks aren’t all that matters. Maybe it’s just a matter of getting to know them. You might find a real gem who just wasn’t fortunate enough to be blessed with a really attractive body.
Or maybe you could do some of your studying in the university library, where you might encounter girls from other majors. Or you might meet a nice girl at church - who knows.</p>

<p>Get a non reasonable looking one.</p>

<p>“If you wanna be happy For the rest of your life, Never make a pretty woman your wife, So from my personal point of view, Get an ugly girl to marry you.”</p>

<p>Jimmy Soul</p>

<p>Obviously if relationships are important to you, then you need to take steps reflecting that. In your case, it means setting aside some time for things other than homework. Clubs, for example, are a great place to meet girls. So are parties. You really don’t have much of an excuse.</p>

<p>Remember, engineering is a male dominated field and women who enter in it know that they’re going to be googled over by the men. They’re going to be on defense so you need to treat them as colleagues rather than “yesss finally someone to hit on!” They’re not going to respect you for that attitude. If you can’t give them the respect that they deserve for being a in a male-dominated field, look elsewhere for a girl.</p>

<p>Talk to them, there is a good chance they have some good looking friends at least. Even if they have a boyfriend that doesn’t mean they wouldn’t break up with them for you. Probably not the engaged ones, but either way. Make friends with them, throw a party, invite them. See what happens.</p>



<p>Because having a girlfriend willing to drop you for someone better is always a good thing…</p>

<p>Become a homosexicle. It’s like a popsicle… only more homosexy.</p>

<p>You have to get outside your department or college - especially those that have more women (my wife is a teacher). Better still, join a club or group with more women where you will have a shared interest. Not interested in any clubs or groups? Either start one or join one you are less interested in, because it does not get any easier once you graduate.</p>

<p>A genuine suggestion: take a partner dance class, if your school offers one. You will meet women and learn a variety of social skills not offered most places which will make it much easier to meet women in the future.</p>

<p>Er, I know this may be a little hard to consider but be sure that you’re not a creepy mouth-breather. I’m a decent looking girl in physics (5/500, how’s that for a ratio?) and half of the guys in my classes are weirdos that just creep me out. They do stuff like stand behind me for a long time, breathing heavily and then bust out a “HIIIIIIII! :D” or completely freeze when I ask them a question. Girls in science and engineering don’t have it easy but I guarantee that you’ll find it easier if you treat them normally instead of “OHOH, female specimen!”</p>