<p>I noticed that a lot of 11's on Facebook are part of the Dartmouth network (it shows up by their picture). I tried to join but it's asking for a Dartmouth email address. How exactly do I join? (I am an admitted student who will be attending)</p>
<p>We haven't actually joined the network; we've only added Dartmouth to our list of schools ("Education" under "Edit Profile").</p>
<p>I did the same thing and it shows up in my profile, but when you search for my name it doesn't...</p>
<p>i think you need to have a school e-mail address first</p>
<p>Does anyone know when we'll be getting our e-mail (Blitz) addresses? I'm getting tired of people asking me where I'm going to school, but seeing their colleges shown when I search for their names.</p>
<p>Sometime in August I think. For my year, the password was the last 8 digits of your social security number (omit the first number). Though technically, you're not supposed to get it until you show up during orientation.</p>