How do I know if VT got all of the parts of my application?

I submitted the Coaliton application and the SRAR self-reported grades on November 28th (for early action). I still haven’t received any sort of confirmation that they got my application and my grades. Most colleges either send an email or have an online portal. How do I know of Virginia Tech got all of the parts of my application? How do I track my application progress?

It takes a couple of weeks.

Also check your spam. My son’s portal link was sitting in his spam folder for weeks before I got that bright idea. And then there were 100 spam emails to go through since he never checks it?

Takes a couple weeks for them to respond. I called the admissions office before receiving my confirmation email and they confirmed that they had received all of my materials for me.

Submitted the application on 11/30 and the invitation to create a guest account didn’t show up until this morning (11 days). Also the guest account doesn’t indicate that VT has received the SRAR yet, even though it was submitted and linked to the Coalition app before the app was submitted.

@timell You submitted your app on the same day as thousands of others. The process takes time. if you are concerned, call them and ask if they have your SRAR. If your application says,

then you should be fine.

For reference…

App submitted: 10/8
Email received: 10/27
SRAR acknowledged: 10/29 (but dated 10/16)

Has the admissions department released any info regarding the switch to the Coalition app? (more/less/same number of applications). I’m curious what the change will do with respect to the competitiveness of the incoming class. It’s just what I need is for it to be harder to received an acceptance. :slight_smile: Good Luck to all.

@timell No info yet. The number of applicants will certainly go up, but not nearly as much if they had moved to the Common App - be thankful for that. The Coalition App is more cumbersome and not as easy as the Common App. Plus only a relatively small number of school use Coalition. Georgia Tech moved to the Common App and their acceptance rate went from 55% to under 25%.

VT had around 27,000 apps last year. I would guess that number goes to 29,000 -30,000 this year.

Good luck to you!