<p>I am 28 yrs old and back in college. im in my 4th part time semester and I am doing ok i guess. anyway I have always suspected i may have ADD, but in high school i thought id never go to college so i just delt with it. I made decent grades in high school, mostly b's with some a's, with little to no effort. Now i feel like im losing steam in college and I have been zoning out in EVERY class. I drink 5hr energy drinks just to get through a regular days work. My major classes are right around the corner and im getting a bit nervous. How do i know if I have ADD? what kind of questions should i ask my doctor? How should I even approach this?</p>
<p>If you have student health insurance, then you can go get testing by an educational psychologist to determine if you have ADD. Some school insurance plans cover almost ALL of the cost of doing this. You should find out with real testing, which takes about 8-12 hours and involves a few visits. Do not just go to a general doctor and expect to get the information you need. If you DO have ADD, you will have the opportunity to gain accommodations at your school which may help you perform better academically. Also, if you do have ADD, it is very helpful to see a psychiatrist for your meds as they specialize in those types of meds and will be able to suggest the best one for you. There is an author by the name of Amen who has written several books about the brain and ADD, you could read one of those books to see if you want to get tested. You can also make an appt. with a counselor at your school’s health center and ask them what they advise. Good luck!</p>