How do I look for UCB, UCLA, and UCSB?

<p>Hello, I am out of state and I am wondering my chances for ucla, ucb, and ucsb</p>

<p>Here are my grades
this is for the UC system, which means taking off the + and the -</p>

<p>for sophmore year and junior year only</p>

<p>Honors Algebra I A/A
Spanish II B/B
Honors Chem/phys A/A
Honors English II A/A
World History A</p>

<p>Honors Algebra II/Trig A/A
Spanish III A/A
AP Enivo Science A/A
AP English III A/A
US History A/A</p>

<p>So if I did the UC GPA correctly… I think its a 4.3?</p>

test scores</p>

Subject tests
Math II-600 UShistory- 600</p>

<p>Honestly, these threads just do not work. Take it from someone who's a senior right now. These examples that I will provide a little later on in this post are students who are in full I.B., and they got rejected to many UC's. Example 1: my friend who got one B in the history of her high school career, and a 32 on the ACT got rejected to UCLA, Berkeley, & UC San Diego. Example 2: this guy in my class who is ranked #7 in my class (which would mean straight A's, and he got a 2240 on the SAT, got rejected to LA & Berkeley (but he did get accepted to San Diego though).</p>

<p>I am not trying to scare you, but what I am trying to tell you is that it just doesn't depend on grades and test scores anymore. Colleges look at more than just the two aforementioned things. For example, they look at volunteer work, if you have had a job, your extracurricular activities, any honors/awards, your family background (if you're a 1st generation, your family's financial situation, etc.), and your personal statements (if you have had any hardships, etc...make sure you make your personal statements the best pieces of writing you have ever done, because they do count A LOT). <em>You don't have to have ALL of the things that I just mentioned, but you need to show variety, and have a very colorful resume.</em></p>

<p>Now I am not saying that you won't get in if you have a 4.0 unweighted GPA, and a 2400 SAT score, but what I am trying to say is that NO ONE can tell you for sure that you're in or you are not in (just based on test scores and grades).</p>

<p>Even my college counselor was SHOCKED that people from my school were being rejected to San Diego, Berkeley, LA, Santa Barbara, etc. She looked at the students GPA & test scores and she thought they would be in, and when they got their letter, they were utterly disappointed.</p>

<p>So rather than wasting your time waiting for replies in this thread (don't take that the wrong way...I mean it in the nicest way possible :) ), go volunteer or go join a sport to boost your resume. </p>

<p><em>Sign up for a summer program too!</em></p>


<p>Your UC gpa is 4.1. The UCs do not give a bonus point for Honors Alg II, nor Honors Eng II. Moreover, the UC gpa is capped at four bonus points. </p>

<p>Essays are really important for UCLA and UCB, as well as ECs given your high school background. UCSD is more of a point system.</p>

<p>you have a pretty good chance to get into ucsb</p>

<p>Rejections and Acceptances were all over the board this year.....</p>

<p>But, going off what I've seen I'd say:</p>

<p>UCSB: match
UCLA: slight reach
UCB: reach</p>

<p>I would say out of state you are a reach to all. I am from out of state and go to ucsb. I know someone who applied this year with similar or higher scores than yours and did not get in originally or in the appeal. I know ucla and ucb always have tough admissions but ucsb has increased just since I applied 2 years ago. Don’t be discouraged if you have really good essays, which are something they look at. Good luck! </p>

<p>Still do really well in senior year!</p>

<p>My Chances?
3.7 W Gpa
0ver 650 Hours Of Community Service Hours (2005-present)
Sat I- 1700
President Of Interact Club
Treaseurer Of Best Buddies Club
Honor Role.....etc........
My Chances For Ucr,uci,ucsc,ucsb,ucdavis,ucsd,ucmerced..usc?
Thanks </p>


<p>These threads should be posted under "What are my chances"</p>