How do i look on paper...

<p>Currently im a junior and i wanted to know what tier of colleges i have a good chance at:</p>

<p>High School: Very Competitive Public School, 2000 students, about 10 students each year are admitted to top 10 colleges</p>

<p>GPA: 3.98 UW 4.05 W
Rank: 7/510
Classes: All honors freshmen year, 1 B+ and the rest A's
All Honors Sophomore year, all A's
Currently 3 AP's (APUSH, AP Calc, AP Psych) rest are honors all A's, GPA is 4.83</p>

<pre><code> I plan to take all APs available for my senior year, and hopefully i get all A's my this year, so my rank should rise into top 5 and GPA UW: 3.99 W: 4.3ish

<p>SAT: Real one not taken yet, practice SAT was 1790 6 months ago
PSAT: 1660 Sophomore year</p>

<p>I have been studying a lot for the SAT, i just took the PSAT and feel like i did much better than 1800, i hope to get above 2100 by spring of next year with more studying</p>

<p>ECs: I dont have much here...</p>

<pre><code> Library Volunteer (200+ hours and counting) (3 years)
Founded and is member of library Teen Advisory Council (3 years)
Youth Member of Library Advisory Board (1 year)

Internship at Biotech company (want to major Biomedical Eng) in Silicon Valley (3 yrs)

Varsity Badminton 2 years and counting

<p>I need some advice on what other EC's i should do... I plan to do Academic Decathlon my senior year</p>

<p>Please advise me! What kind of schools can i get into?</p>

<p>I would say that you should shoot for the top. Apply to dream schools alongside safety schools. Your high school grades look impressive and your other interests suggest that you are well rounded and active. Your dream school may not be Harvard or whatever other brand name so many people think is vital to their professional success.</p>

<p>thanks for the advice. Its nice to hear some good input!</p>