How do i look to the average U of C accepted

<p>Somebody tell me how qualified should someone have to be to attend University of Chicago? What about me?
roughly 3.6 GPA
Varsity track 2 years team captain final year
34 on ACT
7 AP's got a 4 or 5 on all my tests
asscending grades
Secretary then VP for Model UN
President of Make A Difference group 2 years
(Am i missing anything?)
So fill me in... Thanks!
Also what do you guys feel about some of these other liberal arts colleges like Williams Amherst Colgate Albion and Kalamazoo</p>

<p>i mean i guess it looks great
im pretty sure U of C really looks at extra curriculars, but they ESPECIALLY (its big 4 a reason) like extra curriculars that interest you as a person, and help you prepare for your major.
for example
if you want to become a teacher, they want to see volunteer work tutoring kids, rather than seeing you have like 1000 hrs of cleaning the environment.
So liek if u wanted to be an architect
they'd want u to have had an internship in architecture rather than somthing non related to ur interests.</p>

<p>That is why I am in Model UN which i have a passion for. In this we cover socio-economic issues for our given country. I plan to major in something like Economics political science or something along those lines. Also Make a diff. organization is more competitive then student congress and I have been pres. 2 years. I chose this because i like being involved in my community and hope to help people in my career. There really isn't anything more that is directed at my major offered. Suggestions i guess? Also did you say that you think i am academically qualified?</p>

<p>cool, yeah
just make sure to let them know what career you are interested in ppursuing and they should understand.</p>

i wanna go to U of C
im a junior
hopefully i can
i should have about a 3.4 by the end of this year (well, my junior year)
like around at least 200 hrs volunteer tutoring to kids (i want to be a teacher)</p>

<p>and im going to be taking language classes at a local community college. ( iwant to specifically be a froeign language teacher, and by the end of college i wanna speak at least 4 languages)
and then by the time i graduate i should have like 400 hrs volunteer tutoring
and like 1000 volunteer hours if i include other stuff
and what not
and i wouldve finished through japanese 4 and ap spanish </p>

<p>and hopefully i can get it to U of C, but i might be able to, might not</p>

<p>Is that GPA weighted or unweighted? If unweighted, that's a really good GPA to go with your excellent test scores, and you will be a reasonable applicant to all of those schools. U of C cares less about ECs than many top schools do.</p>

i mean they care less in some areas
but isnt it really important that your ec's are in an area that really interests you.
cuz im pretty sure thats whatlibby pearson said on her post
they want to see dedication to whatever career you want o pursue, by looking at your ecs</p>

<p>Well, thats kind of dumb. I mean, if you play Varsity sports, those don't really attribute to a specific major, but are still major time and leadership commitments. Its kind of hard to have significant EC's that focus just on your major.</p>

<p>No my GPA is not weighted, weather you look at it as good or not my school does not weight grades or rank students does that answer your question. ALso the ec's are not so much to make me look good as to develop leadership for later in my career and to immerce myself in the political agenda (get to see what it's like you know) so what do you think?</p>

<p>U of C doesn't even ask what your intended major is on the application. They want you to do some ECs that interest you, but it doesn't matter if it has anything to do with your intended major. Most kids have no idea what they want to do going into college anyway.</p>

<p>Nobodyknows, you are in at Colgate Albion and Kalamazoo
You have a decent chance to get into Williams and Amherst and a good chance to get into U of C</p>

<p>thank you for the reasurance... :)</p>