<p>I feel my college life so boring now. I want some new ideas.</p>
<p>put down your books for awhile and have some fun</p>
<p>Join greek life</p>
<p>Join some clubs? Go to some parties? Make some friends? Take interesting and challenging classes?</p>
<p>Take some classes that you are actually interested in. Join clubs that interest you. Make some new friends through friends you already have.</p>
<p>The join clubs thing is one of the most repeated, but also one of the worst pieces of advice given on this forum.</p>
<p>Take classes that interest you is really good. Kingofqueens hit the nail on the head.</p>
<p>get out of the dorm and get to the party.</p>
<p>care to explain why joining a club/activity is bad advice?</p>
<p>It’s not.</p>
<p>By far, it’s probably one of the best ways to socialize and meet new people.</p>
<p>Get wasted.</p>
<p>you can learn all you want from books, but you gotta learn to socialize and interact with people. you will be working with people in the future right…</p>
<p>just be responsible and safe</p>
<p>clubs are great because they are actually new and original ways to spend your time. even “exciting” classes can bog down after a while (unless it’s really, really original) and doing the same party routine every weekend can make it seem like you’re in the movie Groundhog Day.</p>
<p>how bout acting? with the university theatre?</p>
<p>write for the newspaper? join a video group? the student radio station? a dance group? karate?</p>
<p>or you can start your own organization/ group, and apply for university funding</p>
<p>here’s another great way to meet people and have adventures: get an on-campus job (preffably one with lots of human interaction, not a secretary).</p>
<p>work at the gym? the coffeeshop? the whatever-store?</p>
<p>find research to do or start a research project that interests you</p>
<p>go to the obscure sports that no one goes to, like women’s basketball (lol) - participate in the halftime show</p>
<p>-go streaking</p>
<p>-check out the local town/ city outside your school</p>