How do I make up a D+?

I am a high school junior and my dream school is UCLA, but that dream seems to be going further away from me after I got a D+ first semester in my AP Calculus AB class (I got a C second semester). What is the best possible way to make it up for UC’s? I don’t know if I should retake the class senior year, since by then I will already be done with my college applications. I also don’t know if I should take another Calculus AB class over the summer at a community college, because I’m not sure if UC’s will accept it. Please help!

If you do not retake the class before applications are due in November 2018, then your D+ will be need to be included on your self-report grades on the UC application along with being calculated into your UC GPA.

You need retake the AP Calculus AB class if offered at your HS during the summer or possibly on-line. To replace the D+ grade, you have to retake the exact same class so taking a similar class at a local CC will not replace the grade.
If the CC class is UC transferable, then the UC’s will accept the class for course credit but it will still not replace the D+ grade.

Thank you so much for your response! Unfortunately, my school does not offer Calculus AB to take over the summer… the only way I would be able to retake it is if I took it again senior year ):
If I take Calculus AB again but at a CC, will UC’s forgive the D+ on my transcript?

You need to check with your HS counselor since UC’s will allow grade replacement for the exact same class only.

AP Calculus AB is a HS course is not the same course at a CC. Even if you can repeat the AP Calculus AB course, you still have to report the D on the UC application but your repeat grade will be calculated into your UC GPA. Taking a Calculus course at a CC will not replace the D either, but if you pass the course, it will show the UC’s that you are able to understand and handle the material.

if Cal AB is not crucial to your intended major, i suggest you spend time to prepare your application, essay etc. I suppose you still have a reasonable GPA, o/w UCLA is out of picture already.