How do I prepare for an internship fair?

<p>This thursday is an internship fair at my university. I'm a second year bio major. I have already looked at the companies that are attending and know which booths to visit. Specifically, what else do I need to do in advance, that will give me an edge at getting a good internship with a company.</p>

<p>1) How do I make my resumes? What does it include and disclose? (I've had job resumes, but for internships, this seems like it would look different)
2) How should I dress?
3) How am I supposed to interact with the recruiters? Should I know A LOT about their company to try to impress?</p>

<p>Any other tips would help tremendously. Thanks!</p>

<p>1.) tailor your resume for the internships your looking for. If you want to do finance make sure your resume says that you are analytical, smart and a hardworker etc.. if you want soemthing in marketing emphasize your creativity etc.
2.) business attire, interview
3.) you're going to talk to a lot of recruiters, conversely recruiters are going to talk to A LOT of students. Make sure you memorize your 1 minute biography (name, major, hobbies, extra curriculars basically your life summarized in 1 minute) because your going to be repeating that A LOT. you won't be expected to know a lot about anyone, its a career fair. The whole point of it is to make sure they remember you and make sure your resume gets to the right person and isn't thrown into HR hell.</p>

<p>also, i cannot stress how important it is to FOLLOW UP. a couple days after the fair call the recruiters, ask them what your status is. ask them how to get an interview etc...</p>

<p>1) How do I make my resumes? What does it include and disclose? (I've had job resumes, but for internships, this seems like it would look different)
Depends on how much experience you've had. If you haven't done much, then it's fine to put work experience that isn't terribly relevant to what you're applying for (as long as you can tie it back to skills you've gained and that sort of thing) If you have too much to put on your resume, pick and choose for what's relevant to the internship you're applying for
2) How should I dress? Business casual is mostly fine, especially if the fair is doing the school day. recruiters understand. (still, don't show up in jeans)
3) How am I supposed to interact with the recruiters? Should I know A LOT about their company to try to impress?
-Agreed about the "1 minute bio". Sort of prepare a schpiel about yourself that you'll deliver. No need to know A LOT about their company; in fact, questions you can ask include "tell me more about this firm, etc". When you interview, you should know a lot and do your research. Ask about what kinds of things interns do, how long the program is..</p>