How do I score a single room as an incoming freshman?

<p>Any suggestions? I was admitted EA, and paid both my intent to enroll and housing deposits immediately. I indicated that I prefer a single, but filled out and submitted the housing application. I'm going to visit during the week of 4/12-18. Is there anyone who I can talk to, or anything that I can do to give myself a better shot at making this happen? It's not the most important thing in the world, but I certainly would appreciate some personal space. ;)) </p>

<p>I didn’t realize freshmen could have single rooms.</p>

<p>There are a limited number of singles on each freshman floor. I think (not sure) there are 2 per floor, but some are occupied by the academic fellows. My D had a single in Hecht her freshman year. I really don’t know how they assign them, but I would get your request in as quickly as possible.</p>

<p>There are also freshman singles at Eaton, but then there would be a definite loss of “community” found at Hecht and Stanford. I paid my fee and requested a single immediately upon being notified that I was accepted. Also, next week when I visit, I will speak to a housing rep.</p>

<p>Singles at Eaton have their own bathroom, which is a definite plus. I do think living in Hecht or Stanford is ideal for first year students though. Good luck! I hope you get one!</p>