How do I set myself up for Virginia Tech College of engineering acceptance?

<p>I am currently a junior in a high school of NoVa, and I've been trying to figure out what I should add and do to my career to help get accepted into the program. Because of a problem with my GC, i was put in advanced math instead of functions/trig, so I am in the mixed of what math class would benefit me the most next year. I have a past with robotics and engineering programs and am currently in Project Lead The Way (An engineering "elective" course that will hopefully benefit me), and currently have a 3.90 (weighted). Is there any steps I should take in trying to get acceptance into the program?</p>

<p>you need to strive for the highest level of calculus and science you can take. other than that, have solid As/B+ across the board.</p>

<p>I’m not sure what “advanced math” means in comparison to trig/functions. Is it an alternative pre-calc course? If you can take a calculus course your senior year then do so. If not, make sure that you take a preparatory Calc course. Take Physics senior year if you haven’t already done so. The VT engineering degree usually requires a full year of one science + one semester of another. So, mechanical engineering might be 1 year Physics + 1 semester Chemistry. If your HS offers AP courses there’s some benefit to taking an AP Chem class in HS with the hopes of getting AP credit for the college Chemistry course. You already know to maintain your current gpa and do the best you can on the math SAT in particular. Good luck.</p>

<p>my son was able to skip basic English freshman classes due to SAT scores. also doing well on AP Chem and Physics really helped as well.Some of his friends were struggling with the engineering math courses and it would be great if you were comfortable with or had experience with the material before enrolling.</p>

<p>Kayak, not to unnecessarily scare anyone but I’d feel negligent not to tell my ‘SAT score got me out of Freshman Engineering’ story.</p>

<p>I was told the same thing when I signed up for classes; that due to my scores on the SAT I didn’t have to take freshman English. Great! So then when I started the paperwork to transfer from General Engineering into my specific major they put a hold on my transfer due to not having taken freshman English. I told them I had tested out of it due to my SAT score, they told me that no such thing existed, and I had to beg a favor to a senior professor and the President of the major I was transferring in to let me get in before taking the class (I got in-state tuition if I was in my major; I didn’t if I wasn’t and couldn’t afford that) and ended up having to take the classes afterall. It was a terrifying couple weeks of me trying to complete the transfer that I wouldn’t wish on anyone.</p>

<p>Maybe (hopefully, and probably) they actually did change it and you can SAT test out of freshman English, but I would triple check on that before counting on it.</p>