How do I study for these subjects and still get enough sleep?

<p>I am a high school sophomore and my schedule is as follows.</p>

<p>AP European History
AP Statistics
AP Biology
AP English Language
IB SL Spanish

<p>Currently, I'm getting an average of 2 hours of sleep a day and have problems staying awake in school. I have low "A"s in all of my classes except for English in which I have a B. I would really appreciate some advice on how to finish all of my homework, study, and get more sleep.</p>

<p>Yeah, you definitely need more sleep than 2 hrs a night. Make sure you are always using free time during school for studying, and homework, and getting extra help from teachers if you need it. </p>

<p>And if sometimes you have problems w/ procrastination, I find that setting yourself a bed time helps me make sure I get everything done by a certain time.</p>

<p>welcome to my world. the world of redbull.</p>

<p>I’m just wandering, what time do you start your homework? Are you doing extracurricular that take to much time (like what time do you get home)?</p>

<p>I get home at around 3:30 (I have to ride my bike home for an hour) when I don’t have any after school clubs. I go to the library (because my parents tend to not like me using a computer at home) and use the computers there to do homework until 9. I ride my bike home and then finish homework, study, eat, shower and the clock reads 1:30. I wake up at 3:30, eat breakfast, check to see that I have everything done (I tend to forget things at night) read some Shakespeare or a Japanese book, and I leave the house at 6 AM.</p>

<p>Don’t study so much for things that you can learn in class and don’t spend so much time doing quality work when you can get away with just having it done. If it comes down to choosing between your well-being and getting A’s then you might have to let one or two of those A’s slip to B’s.</p>

<p>wow! you must have A LOT of homework then</p>

<p>how much do you usually have per subject per night?</p>

<p>You ride your bike home for an hour? What?! Can’t you get a ride from a friend?</p>

<p>^^I’m curious about that too. That’s rather odd though. You really shouldn’t have that much. The most I would think it would take you is 8, which would last you until maybe 12 am, depending on the day. You then should be able to get at least 5 or 6 hours, so I can’t comprehend how you are only able to get 2. Do your teachers just give you that much homework?</p>

<p>Its called coffee, screw sleep that is for the weekends.</p>

<p>Honestly though, if you can skip doing homework for some classes…skip them.</p>

<p>All right, clearing up a few things.</p>

<p>I live in a different high school district but i transferred to a different school because the school has the IB program. My mother’s car broke down several months ago and they are not buying a new one so I cannot get a ride. Hence, I must ride my bike. My teachers do give us a lot of homework…usually two hours a day. I also play tennis and practice everyday so I can hopefully make the varsity team. Also, since English is my second language, I tend to have problems in English. Once again, I would really appreciate advice on how to do homework more efficiently and get more sleep. I found Plecostomus’ advice very useful. I do tend to do quality work on assignments that is just turned in for completion. Thank you.</p>

<p>Hmmm…Why do you need to get up at 3:30 am? Breakfast should take no more than 30 minutes. Unless you’re a girl, getting ready for school shouldn’t take long at all. Heck, I’m a girl and I’ve decided this year that sleep > prepping for school. Maybe try waking up at 4:30? The extra hour of sleep will do wonders :] Spend an hour on hw/books/studying and use the last 30 minutes to get ready for school (breakfast, tshirt, jeans). </p>

<p>I also tend to do “too much” on assignments. Namely english and spanish. This year I’ve cut down on the quality of my spanish work A LOT since I’ve realized that our teacher never checks our homework thoroughly. Pay attention to your teacher’s standards and reset your own standards accordingly. </p>

<p>I average around 5 hours of sleep every night and it’s barely enough to make me function. Anything less will render me completely lifeless (it’s happened more times than I would like to admit…). </p>

<p>I honestly think that you will be so much happier if you woke up at 5:20. Do this at least once (or twice) a week. As for forgetting hw, I do that a lot too. That’s why I have a planner and I write down EVERYTHING in it. I would die if I lost it. I put boxes next to the hw that is due the next day and I check them off as I finish each one. It’s strangely satisfying and it makes sure that I never forget anything. </p>

<p>Seriously. Wake up later. 1:20 am - 5:20 am = FOUR hours of sleep.</p>

<p>mabye take the bus? instead of riding your bike so it won’t take as long. and you won’t be as tired</p>

<p>Use class time efficiently. I’ve realized that (as a sophomore) Algebra 2 is a lot easier than I thought it was going to be… so I use the time in class as a study hall. No joke. The concepts are simple and basic so I am able to do small homework assignments that will be due later in the day for that class. Ultimately, this class allows me to go to bed about 30 minutes earlier than I should. </p>

<p>Study your teacher’s grading habits. My AP Euro teacher doesn’t assign homework often, but the few times he has, it’s been a lot. I’ve noticed though that he doesn’t care about the quality of the work, as long as you did what he asked, as pathetic as it may be, he’ll give you 100% on the assignment.</p>

<p>And as harsh as this may sound… you should pick between sleeping or reading your books for fun. If you don’t think that your classes are fun and are complaining about sleep, you overdid yourself. Time to scale back on other things. You asked for the hard schedule, so now you must deal with it!</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>I cannot figure out why you have to get up at 3:30 am to leave by 6:00 am. It takes me twenty minutes to eat breakfast, five minutes to get dressed, and then I spend another ten minutes in the bathroom. And yeah, I’m a girl. So to give myself an extra five minutes of leeway, it would only take me 40 minutes to get ready… so get up at 5:20. Also, your school starts at 7:00? If it takes you an hour to ride and you leave at 6:00, you have a REALLY early start time. If your school doesn’t start until 7:30 or so, there’s no need to get up early.</p>

<p>Waking up at 3:30?..I hope you have a damn good reason for that.</p>

<p>There is a relatively easy solution; don’t do homework. I would hope that your AP teachers aren’t the baby types that force and grade homework. Homework is really pointless at times.</p>

<p>do u live in the OC…? just wondering lol</p>