<p>I am taking the test in March.. DO I just get one of those big SAT books and finish the whole thing or what?</p>
<p>yes… just do the entire blue book</p>
<p>How long should I study for the test everyday? Weekly?? Or how much should I study on the days I am going to study for the test??</p>
<p>I didn’t study, and everything turned out fine :)</p>
<p>People waste their lives on this stuff. You could be reading some great literature on a weekly basis. For crying out loud, you could be WRITING your OWN literature on a weekly basis.</p>
<p>Life is too short to blow on the SAT. That’s my philosophy.</p>
<p>I may be “stuck” with a 2270, when I could’ve theoretically studied my @ss off and gotten the 2400, but who cares?
Tons of 2400s get rejected from HYPS. I’m busy doing other things that make me unique :)</p>
<p>I agree that you shouldn’t waste your life on this and as long as you reach a “good” score, don’t stress over it. People seriously put waaay too much time into it, just do the best you can. As long as you go through the blue book and get accustomed to the types of questions you’ll be fine.</p>
<p>Study until you get tired of studying and then stop that always works for me</p>
<p>I’m also taking it in March. I go through about 15 pages a day in the blue book. Eventually, when I finish I’ll start taking practice tests about once a week/every 2 weeks. I don’t plan on taking all of them, maybe about 3 or 4.</p>
<p>Take a practice test every Saturday morning. Come the real test date, you won’t be worried like other first timers. And do whatever you do to make yourself comfortable, don’t be uptight, and take the test at a school you feel comfortable in (in my case, it’s a school further from my own because I hate taking tests with my friends because they distract me and talk to me non stop. They ruined my PSAT scores this way.)</p>
<p>For Math, I’d say do lots of questions in SAT books but also do extra homework problems in your school textbook in whatever math course you’re enrolled in. This way, you won’t only be preparing for the SAT but will possibly improve your grade in your current math class (if you need improvement).</p>
<p>For CR, know that ALL THE ANSWERS ARE DIRECTLY IN THE TEXT. CB can’t just rely on us kids to know much about things outside our world, all the answers are directly in the passages. And look through the questions first and underline anything that has page numbers next to the q’s. This helped me tremendously.</p>
<p>Sorry, can’t help you with writing, I’m struggling on that. D:</p>