How do I tell my parents I'm failing 2 classes?

<p>I have been struggling this semester with 2 of my courses after being admitted into the nursing program at technical college. I'm typically a straight-A student but this semester has been a struggle for me beyond belief!!!
My parents help pay for some of my college expenses such as room and board. They are very strict and expect nothing but the best from me at all times. I feel horrible for letting them down but at the same time I've felt that I've learned from my mistakes and can do better in my courses when I retake them.
Anyone have any advice? Thank you!</p>

<p>Some contributing factors that held me under this semester (I don't use these as excuses, they just made it hard for me).
- A 5 year relationship I was in ended unexpectedly
- I used socializing and focusing on having fun with friends instead of school to take my mind off of the relationship ending
- Several family issues including hospitalization of loved ones.
- Entering my first semester in the actual nursing program was harder than I had imagined and I admit I was unprepared
- I suffer from depression, which my family does not know about , and it often makes it difficult to focus or get motivated to go to class, which I believe contributed the most to my declining grades.</p>

<p>Any advise would be great,thank you all!</p>

<p>Are you seeing someone about the depression? What is stopping you from telling your family about it? Perhaps they could be a support to you as you work through it, and that might help them to understand some of the difficulties you have been dealing with.
To tell them about the classes, I would recommend coming up with a plan of action…talk to the instructors to find out what is possible, set up tutoring through the school, and definitely make an appointment with the counseling services there. This way, when you tell your parents, you can also tell them the plan you have made to work it out. In counseling, the counselor should be able to help you come up with some of the specifics of this plan, and may be able to make specific recommendations on how to proceed, and how to talk to your parents.
You can bounce back from these couple of classes. This can be just a hiccup in your college career.
You haven’t let anyone down. You are just having a hard time right now. Everyone has a hard time at some point.
Find a counselor. Get some support. You can work through this.</p>

<p>Good advice above. </p>

<p>In addition, is it possible to surrender on one class and concentrate your efforts on passing the other class? Many science classes in nursing are hard, and many programs give a student a chance to retake certain classes again. Surrender on the class that is the easiest to retake without delaying your other classes. </p>

<p>Your parents will be more upset later if you don’t give them some warning of the problems right now. </p>

<p>Thanks for the help and advice. Things are starting to look up. I haven’t told my parents yet but this will only set me back one semester. Also, i will be able to stay in my program and wont be on probation at all. The best of all is i also was granted a $2500 scholarship today, covering my tuition for next semester. Goes to show you’ve just got to keep your head up!</p>

<p>Still have to sort out the depression situation though. My parents don’t believe in depression (it runs in the family so they are familiar with it) but think that people are just being self centered when they claim they are depressed so I’m scared to say anything to them. </p>

<p>Are your parents scientiologists? (smirk) I’d start talking to another relative that your trust, such as someone who has gone through some of the same feelings.</p>

<p>That’s good advice, I may try that. Our family doesn’t necessarily share our problems amongst each other so well, unfortunately, because I would like if we could. Luckily I have some good friends who will listen possibly!</p>