<p>I'm a rising junior and have been somewhat concerned about my extracurriculars. I have a few, but they really only encompass two interests. Here's a list.</p>
<p>9th grade:
Summer Music program
Marching band
Pit orchestra
Art classes (outside of school)
Pit orchestra (for the middle school)
Relay for Life (a cancer relay thing that my school hosted)</p>
<p>10th grade:
Marching band
Pit orchestra (for the middle school)
Stage and lighting crew for spring musical
Relay for Life
Tri-M (Music Honors Society)
Thespian Honors Society
Concordia Language Camps - Spanish, 4-week session</p>
<p>In 11th and 12th grade I plan to continue with:
Marching band (section leader my senior year)
Pit orchestra (for the middle school)
Pit orchestra (high school) OR stage/lighting crew.
Relay for Life (if my school continues to host it)
Tri-M (will try for VP my senior year)
Thespian Honors Society
Summer Music program (if I can)
International Thespian Society (I just received a letter of welcome for this... I'm not sure if it's the same thing as Thespian Honors Society, or if I should list it as such)</p>
<p>I also plan on becoming part of NHS and Spanish Honors Society. Maybe Asian club (I'm not Asian). I also plan on trying out for North Jersey Regions band in 11th grade and maybe 12th grade on clarinet. I think I may get a job as a medical dictationist for my mother, which is basically putting their oral dictations onto a Word document. Possibly educational?</p>
<p>Do my ECs look -too- limited? As in, just to music and theater? I'm very much into biology, and plan on majoring in it, but I can't seem to find any ECs that reflect that interest. I attended a Seacamp in Florida (marine biology camp) for two years prior to high school where I got SCUBA certified, and continue to do so whenever I have the chance (about every other winter vacation). Any input on things I should try to get involved in?</p>
<p>(I have a very good school record and plan on applying to good colleges, Barnard being my top choice at the moment)</p>