how do my midyear reports affect my chances?

my midyear report is gonna show that my 7th semester is really bad - straight Bs (last semester I had straight As) …so what effect does this have, please be honest

<p>well, its just a normal part of the rest of your grades</p>

<p>so they use your latest information, its not given any different consideration then the rest of your grades - if anything, its probably more important because its more recent</p>

<p>any second thots?</p>

<p>I'm not sure if it's given as great a weight, aren't midyear reports mainly to see that you are pursuing the courses you listed you would, and that you are doing ok/fairly well in them.</p>

<p>my school runs on a semester schedule, so you have a whole set of new grades.</p>

<p>i think midyear reports are only helpful if you get VERY good grades but doesnt hurt unless you are getting REALLY bad grades... so you should be fine. I'm pretty sure its not taken as seriously simply because they understand you spent most of the first semester working on college apps and you probably have harder classes as well.</p>

<p>wow i hope so. ( crosses fingers)</p>

<p>yeah - i do have harder classes =(, 5APs 1 honor, 1class@local community college (calc) </p>

<p>thanks for the good news ice</p>

<p>are they really given the same weight?</p>

<p>my guidance counselor told me they use your class rank from your midyear whatever that implies</p>