How do my stats line up? Please share your opinion!

<p>I'm a high school junior, and I'm interested in UC San Diego.
My GPA in my freshman year was UW 3.38/W 3.82, and sophomore year 3.7/4.33.</p>

<p>Classes I took:</p>

<p>As a Freshman - Honors Biology, H. French 2, College World cultures (no honors available), H. English 1, H. Algebra 2 (moved down to college halfway through the year), trumpet in Band and Jazz band
I did the winter and spring plays and had 11 hours of community service</p>

<p>As a Sophomore - College Quantitative Chemistry (like an honors class), Honors Old World/New World History, H. French 3, C. Geometry, H. English 2, Honors Jazz Ensemble, Honors Wind ensemble, and Full orchestra
I did the fall musical, was on the mock trial team in the winter, played JV volleyball in the spring (am playing varsity next year), played taps on memorial and veterans day, was on student council and had 42 hours of community service</p>

<p>Classes this year - AP US History, H. Classical literature, C. Precalculus, C. Physics, H. French 4, H. Wind Ensemble, H. Jazz Ensemble and Full Orchestra
Same ec's as last year</p>

<p>Classes senior year - AP Calc AB, AP french, AP english or h. medieval lit, h. psych, h. wind ensemble, full orchestra, h. jazz ensemble or AP comp sci (haven't decided yet)
Dropping a science b/c thats my worst subject</p>

<p>I've been going to german school every saturday for the past 10 years and I speak it fluently</p>

<p>This summer I did a 16 day community service project in france, got 350 hours of community service for it, and am doing an independent study on it this year</p>

<p>I was recommended for, then interviewed, then got picked as one of 2 kids in my grade and went for the RYLA conference this past year (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards), which was a 3 day leadership seminar sponsored by the rotary club</p>

<p>I'm like top 20%-top 15% in my 220 person class</p>

<p>SAT II's
Math 1: 690 (maybe not sending in)
Bio: 630 (def. not sending in)
German: 750</p>

<p>AP tests
German: 5</p>

M: 670
W: 720
CR: 600
Combined: 1990</p>

<p>Sorry I know that was a mouthful, but for those of you out-of-staters who got into UCSD (I'm from Massachusetts) how do your stats line up/do you think I have a chance. My freshman year wasn't that great but starting last year I really applied myself and hope to continue like that.</p>

<p>Food for thought - what about UWashington, UMichigan, UCLA, UNC Chapel Hill, UMaryland, Middlebury, Colby, Boston College, UVA, William and Mary, Wesleyan or Mcgill</p>

<p>THanks so much for reading this</p>