<p>i'm really worried b/c my psat score was horribleeee. CR: 660; M: 750; W: 690
... am i totally screwed or is it true that SAT scores are usually higher than PSAT scores??
i studied a bit (did some practice tests; read through a grammar book) before the PSAT....
none of my friends studied and all their scores (at least CR and W) were wayy better.</p>
<p>also, a question about CR. on the official practice psat test, i got a 800 on cr (1 question wrong)... and also i got a bunch of 800s on the practice tests i did. but i also got a bunch of 600s... why does my score fluctuate soo fricking much???!! any suggestions??</p>
<p>Don’t worry just keep working hard. I posted awhile back about how I studied for the SAT, but mostly I used the Xiggi method and modified it to fit my personal study habbits. I went from a 174 on the PSAT to a 2280 on the SAT.</p>
<p>Hey yeah - my critical reading fluctuated a lot too. I found that it was just a problem with concentration; during the actual test, I was “hyper-focused” and it really boosted my score (800). On the other hand, when I was doing practice tests at home, with my sister yelling, TV blasting in the other room, etc, I did terribly.</p>
<p>Anyway when I took the PSATs in October I got a 218, and then my SAT score this December was 2360… I don’t know. I’m sure you can improve - Good luck!</p>
<p>I got a 188 on my JR PSAT and a 2050 on SAT in December as a first time test taker. I’m still not happy so I plan to retake it, but don’t worry about your PSAT. It’s only one or two questions that determine about 50 points per question. It’s hardly a good measure of you’re testing ability.</p>