How do revisit days work?

I’m currently going to BS that’s ~1hr away from most of the schools I applied to, and idk how these revisit days work. Am I allowed to be dropped off and picked up by a guardian? When do these start and end? Is no parent required to participate? Thanks!

I don’t think parents have to attend but I think most do. You can just reach out to your AO and check. I think most of the day parents and students are separated anyway so I don’t see why it would make too much of an issue.

i dont compleatly understand revisit days- do you go to them if you have committed to the school already or is it for all acceptance students? i know this is a dumb question but still

They are for all accepted students to get a full feel of the school (go to a class or two, eat in the dining hall, talk to current students, etc). You can ask all the questions you want with no fear of not being admitted because you’re already in. Then, after revisit days, students make their final choice of where to go.

If I am remembering correctly, you are an international student. My daughter is overseas as well. We don’t live within easy distance of any of the schools and will not be able to attend revisits. A couple of the schools have already said they are doing virtual revisits in addition to the in-person ones and a few others have agreed to set our daughter up with a student to chat with and do a little video tour with after spring break is over at the schools. You might try to set something like that up if you cannot get to the revisits.


thanks for clarifying! i actually havent visited any of the schools i applied to in person so i will most probably attend.

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I believe your parents can drop you off, but it would be nice to let the schools know. Usually the kids and parents have separate programs anyways. Check with the schools for the schedule since some start a little earlier and end earlier while others do the opposite. However, schools will accommodate you if you need to arrive late or leave early. Just let them know and remember they will likely give you swag at the end of the revisit day.

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For revisit day, both of us (parents) want to attend but with you one younger child.

Would it be weird for us bring along our younger son (6th) to the revisit day?

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No. :slight_smile:

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Not at all.

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I am going to differ a bit and say you should ask thd school this question. I am guessing that at most schools, the programming could include a younger sibling. But since students and kids are generally split up, you should let them make the plan.

One of our schools specifically said on the revisit information page, “we will not have programming available for siblings.” So it didn’t say don’t bring them, but implied that it would be a long boring day for them sitting through parent info panels and high school classes, etc.


Peddie is the school that I am particularly interested to know if i can take the younger siblings for the revisit day.

Trying to set up travel plans.

If you are traveling from far away, you might have to bring sibling. But if possible, I wouldn’t, based on my own experience. We just asked all the schools. Mostly we found that since we were traveling across the country (so we couldn’t leave a sibling alone for a week back home) schools were fine that she tagged along, but we also were super aware that there was no programming for her (she was 13, so old enough not to be a distraction). It was pretty boring for her I’m sure. :). There was one school who specifically did NOT allow her sister to come at all, and so she waited at the hotel. This was during higher covid times but honestly, it felt pretty crummy. At the end of the event, the head of admissions told us to take an extra cookie and water bottle for the sister waiting at the hotel. It felt pretty yucky. Anyway I would recommend trying not to bring siblings if possible.


Thank you sharing your experience. We will give them a call and see what they say. I mean all we need is a place for our son a place to sit and chill on his own if they don’t want him following along.

Hopefully they will be ok with that.

Our revisit was several years ago, so I’d also suggest you call, but I think I will be ok for him to come along.

Like it was mentioned above it will probably be pretty boring, but if he is of an age to be looking for himself he could probably get something out of it.

Feel free to DM me if you have any questions about the school.

Our two younger kids tagged along to my oldest’s revisit day at Exeter. They enjoyed it so much, and, fast forward and one is there now and one will be starting in the fall. I’m particularly glad my older son went because he didn’t get his own revisit day due to COVID. They were 9 and 11-year-olds with long attention spans and BS aspirations themselves. It would be a long day for a very young kid. We attended a lot of seated panels and seminars. If I remember correctly, we had to register them when we signed up. They had name tags and everything. But again, this was pre-COVID, and it was at a larger school.

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I called ahead and they said they would encourage us to bring the younger siblings. They just wanted to make sure we weren’t bringing in 3-4 kids and grandparents lol.

We are looking forward to the revisit day!!

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thank you for your feedback. I was able to talk to the school and looks like we will be ok.

Thank you to you and all others on the site for the insights!

Yay I’m glad! As a side note – that sibling who tagged along to my daughter’s revisits ended up changing her mind a year later to join her at that boarding school. :). So now I have 3 away at BS. (and one in college).