How do SAT II results affect my chance of getting into engineering @ UCB?

<p>I got my results. The only uncertain factor is gone. </p>

<p>Ok, so im an international student. Therefore I am among those 3000 internationals who apply to Berkeley every year. I believe it’s a different pool from both CA students and OOS?</p>

<p>Anyway, my stats are changed into</p>

<p>Location: Canada
NOT applying for FA</p>

<p>Intended Major: Civil Engineering</p>

<p>My HS does not rank but I’m sure that I’m within top 3% (out of approx. 320)
GPA: 4.0 </p>

Critical Reading: 630 (yes,im a fob -_- only been in North America for about 2 yrs)
Math: 800
Writing: 700</p>

<p>Math II :800
Physics :800</p>

School only offers one AP and Im taking it (AP Cal)</p>

<p>ECs: </p>

<p>School Physics Society (11-12)(President)
IPS Model UN (11-12)(Key member)
Mandarin Club (11-12)(President)
School Choir (10-12)
UBC Physics Olympics
TWU Model UN</p>

Canadian Math Contest (Gr.11) School Champion
And a lot of trivial school awards </p>

<p>Community Service:
-Volunteer Hour 100+
-Volunteer @ local Rec center every week
-30 hour famine fund raiser& participant
-and a lot of other volunteering
-Sichuan Earthquake Fund Raiser</p>

<p>You are in a different pool from OOS students. Its much harder to get into Berkeley as an international. </p>

<p>Your scores are great and I am sure your grades are too. And you are obviously talented in science and math. You won't be "looked down upon" because you only took 1 AP because that is all your school offers. If you were in-state, you would get into Berkeley no problem, but with your status, I have to say Berkeley is a slight reach. You definitely have a chance though.</p>