How do the UC schools rank in terms of Computer Science?

I will be applying to several UC schools in the coming months and I am wondering what the best schools for CS are. Of course I will look more into the campuses and social life, etc, but how would all the UC schools be ranked for just Computer Science. I have seen US News and World Report’s rankings, but I would like some more info to cross check it. Thank you!

I wouldn’t put too much stock in rankings since every agency that ranks, does it differently. I would think most individuals agree about the top 3 UC’s. The middle UC rankings change frequently.
UC Berkeley
UC San Diego
UC Davis
UC Irvine
UC Santa Barbara
UC Santa Cruz
UC Riverside
UC Merced

You didn’t ask, but CalPoly SLO should probably be ranked somewhere with the middle 3 UCs.

Agree ^^^^

Re #1, #2

Looks like the list in #1 is the rank order of general admission selectivity (though not necessarily specific to the CS major at each school). CPSLO is probably similar in selectivity to UCI overall, but may differ for specific majors, and how admission criteria are used and weighted differ. It is not necessarily true that general admission selectivity means that a given major is better at the more selective school, particularly in the context of the individual student.

Some students may find some campuses’ CS majors more suitable than others. For example, some students want to take large numbers of electives in H/SS subjects, so an engineering-based CS major, with its extra physics and engineering course requirements, may be less suitable than a non-engineering-based CS major. Others may want an ABET-accredited major for the purpose of qualifying for the patent exam later; this is more likely to be found with an engineering-based CS major. Some campuses offer both an engineering-based CS major and a non-engineering-based CS major (e.g. Berkeley EECS versus L&S CS, which have different admission characteristics).

SDSU, CP Pomona and SJSU also have outstanding CS programs. Probably on-par with UCR

They are all good except UCMerced. I don’t know anything about it and have not worked with anybody from Merced.