How do UC's deal with California's drought?

I will be attending UCLA this fall… and I’m kind of concerned about the water problem in California… If there’s an extreme drought there how do the colleges deal with it? Will we ever have problems with having no water to drink/shower/flush etc…? Do the schools implement any sustainability measures?

Gov Brown announced an edict just yesterday prohibiting UC students from bathing mre than once per month.

Kidding of course -

The drought is very real - expect to see dead lawns and efficiency measures like fallowing fields but, water won’t be rationed such that student bathing will change much.

Don’t let it impact your decision to attend.

From the way, way back 60’s:
Save water, shower with a friend.

I’m at Davis, so the situation may not be entirely similar. But at least up here, the drought isn’t affecting my day-to-day life. I hear about it a lot and do what I can to conserve water (which I would do even if there weren’t a drought), but other than that it doesn’t affect me going about my day.

It’s not a bad question. I don’t foresee day-to-day life at the better campuses being affected that much, and I would also imagine that some of the students and faculty groups on some campuses may eventually put pressure on administration to do something collectively about the water shortage. I rather doubt availability of drinking water will be affected – that would be crisis mode. More like limiting of water for landscaping crews, etc. I have read that the majority of water usage in the state comes from agriculture, not personal use.

:frowning: yeah true but I heard that they (gov?) are limiting water use in personal use rather than agricultural use since they don’t want to touch that area of business

This is not the first time California has drought. We had the worse drought in 1990s.

Schools at the level of UCLA, and within the city limits of LA, will implement sustainability measures if they haven’t already. I would not let California’s water issues deter your attending and planning to do well at UCLA, if that is the best college choice for you. There may ultimately be a limitation on shower duration, etc. I don’t personally see it impacting a student’s personal life that much, honestly – unless perhaps you play water sports.

Personal use in this case means mainly restrictions on watering lawns. Most college students don’t need to worry about lawns. If you go to a restaurant, you will need to decide whether you want to ask for water with any other drinks. It would be good if you would take short showers and turn off the tap while brushing your teeth, but your dorm or apartment won’t have an individual water meter for each room.

Yes, it IS a major problem in Cali, but you shouldn’t worry about it since you’re just a college student. All you need to do is shower, brush teeth, wash laundry, and drink water. I find it strange that a portion of Cali is surrounded by a major ocean, yet has faced this drought problem for decades. Meanwhile, we have mcmansions with little fountains and excessively large pools.

"We had the worse drought in 1990s. "
The current California drought is the worst in recorded history.
The current snowpack is measured at about 1% of average, and 0% of average in the Southern basin.

Parents of UC students, especially OOS parents, should take care to include bottles of water with every care package sent. It is estimated this will provide several million liters to recharge thirsty university fountains.

I would stay away from California. Our water supply indicates we need less people and not more.

Boycott Starbucks if you want to help California. They steal California water.

Drink imported beer!

Post #13 and #14, I drink neither. Problem solved.