How do Universities view grades?

<p>What I mean is, do they have their own criteria for what percentile grade an A, B, C, D, & F is? For instance in my state and high school, grades work like this: </p>

<p>100-93 = A
92-85 = B
84-77 = C
77-70 = D
69-0 = F</p>

<p>I'm wondering if they will use the same grade criteria as my high school does to calculate my GPA or if each University has their own grade criteria. I mainly want to know so I can see what my GPA would be in the eyes of each school I apply to.</p>

<p>Additionally, since they will also look at class rank and compair my percentile grades with other applicants, does it even matter if I know?</p>

<p>Each university does it differently. Some don’t have the +/- system where the cutoff for an A is 90% and a B is 80%, etc.</p>