<p>I'm looking at stats online and I noticed that UMD's average gpa is a 3.92. How is this possible? Perhaps that's including out-of-state kids or something because at my hs, (in state btw) the average person to go to UMD has like a 2.8-3.4 gpa uw. I myself am a junior with a 3.1 gpa uw taking the most rigorous classes (with 8 aps and the rest honors, something i slighty regret). So my weighted gpa is around a 3.8-4.0 Can someone elaborate on how UMD's system works?</p>
<p>edit: looked up hs class of 2008 stats. 94 accepted from my hs out of 141 applicants. So around a 67% acceptance rate. Total class of 2008's size is 438.</p>
<p>i really have no idea, i was hoping it was like Umich’s system where they dont count electives and give honors a +.5 and aps +1 which would explain the extremely high gpa stat. This is just me hoping ><em>< since i also have a 3.2 gpa with all honors and AP’s which i regret doing ></em>></p>
<p>mmm yeah…princeton university has an average gpa of 3.86…what?</p>
<p>You can look at my GPA topic a few topics below this one. It might answer some questions <3</p>
<p>There’s quite a mixture of answers in your thread ranging from no - yes - I don’t know.</p>
<p>mnkyman: I just found this freshman profile from UMD 2007. [University</a> of Maryland - Freshman Profile Information](<a href=“http://www.admissions.umd.edu/admissions/counselor/freshmanprofile.asp]University”>http://www.admissions.umd.edu/admissions/counselor/freshmanprofile.asp) </p>
<p>Yes the 3.9 gpa average is weighted, 4.2 for UMD honors. Wow this just made my day.</p>
<p>Remember they have their own weighting system, it may or may not be the same as yours. Our DS’s gpa went up by .25 because of the re-weighting, another friend of his remained the exact same.</p>
<p>yea, the weighting might be different at Maryland. But at least it gives some hope. What concerned me was how it was possible for UMD’s average to be 3.9 unweighted. In Montgomery County (where I am), and the counties surrounding it (PG,Frederick etc.) the most common way of calculating a weighted score would be adding +1 to it, unless it was say a D in honors, in which case it would be weighted the same as a D in regular. However a D in AP would be considered a C in regular as far as the weighting in this area goes. </p>
<p>Grade 90-100 -> Regular (4) -> Honors (5) -> Advanced Level (5)->AP (5)
Grade 80 89 -> Regular (3) -> Honors (4) -> Advanced Level (4)->AP (4)
Grade 70 -79 -> Regular (2) -> Honors (2) -> Advanced Level (3)->AP (3)
Grade 60 69-> Regular (1) -> Honors (1) -> Advanced Level (2)->AP (2)
Grade 59- > Regular (0) -> Honors (0) -> Advanced Level (1) ->AP (1)</p>
<p>This is the way most high schools in this area and in UMD’s area does weighting. I’m hoping this is how they do it too but I’m not sure. Only hoping :P</p>
<p>Here’s what we were told almost 2 yrs ago (Apr 07) when we visited.</p>
<p>It is simple. Take the actual % grade for a std course and multiple it by 4. Honors by 4.5 And AP by 5.</p>
<p>IN VA and NC an F is 69. A=93+, B=85-92, C=78-84, D=70-77. F=69 and below., that is why they go by the %.</p>
<p>Some schools do not weight at all, so UMD will readjust to their stds. Thus, if you took all honors, than it will go up in their stats, took some honors,some APS that is true too. Take only std it is the same</p>
<p>Do VA and NC transcripts come as % grades? On mine they go as letters A,B,C etc. I can see where you’re going with this though as Fairfax County’s system is something like 94%+ is an A (yikes).</p>
<p>They go as both, % and letter plus, with a plus or minus. </p>
<p>Also included is their scale conversion chart for std, honors and APs
I am pretty positive Fairfax is the same as Prince William an A is 93 and above. It is a 7 point scale.</p>