How Do you calculate GPA.

<p>Hi I'm from India and here we use percentage instead of grades so do anyone know any scale i could use to convert ICSE percentage to GPA.
and is this converter really correct for India because this looks like faulty. --></p>

<p>WES</a> Grade Conversion Guide</p>

<p>an answer in yahoo answers </p>

<p>Best Answer - Chosen by Voters</p>

<p>90 -100 % = A
80 - 89% = B
70 - 79% = C
60 - 69% = D
59% or lower = F</p>

<p>Now to convert to GPA points
A = 4.0
B = 3.0
C = 2.0
D = 1.0
F = 0.0</p>

<p>Simply average your GPA points for each class by averaging them (add up all GPA points and divide by the number of classes, assuming all classes are equal numbers of credits)</p>

<p>For example, take 5 grades:
93% = A = 4.0
82% = B = 3.0
95% = A = 4.0
89% = B = 3.0
98% = A = 4.0</p>

<p>add up all of the GPA points (18), divide by number of classes (5) and you get your GPA = 3.6</p>


<p>There is no particular formula. If you take it % wise, you will end up with a very LOW GPA (even if you get like 79% you'll have something around 2.0). You should get your school to convert your % into grades (like 80+ = A and 85+=A+) and then convert using online calculators (which are plenty just google them). I got 79.8% in 11th ISC and got my % converted. I have 3.88 GPA now. :)</p>


<p>do anyone out there know?</p>